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Select the language below to view publications available in that language.
Application - The paper application for Medicaid HCBS waiver services. Can be used to apply for any or all HCBS waivers.
DD Services Brochures
Special Health Care Needs
If you need a publication translated in another language, send us an email at
The following publications are available in languages other than English. Click on the publication below to see the document in available languages.
Complete and submit to apply for Medicaid HCBS waiver services. Can be used to apply for any or all HCBS waivers.
A look at the Medicaid HCBS waivers which may be appropriate for people with disabilities.
A one-page overview of AD Waiver services and requirements.
The process used to assess needs and determine AD services.
Available services, eligibility requirements, and how to apply.
Brief descriptions of AD Waiver services.
Parents' financial responsibility when using Extra Care for Children with Disabilities.
Service Handbooks - Full service definitions for the AD Waiver.
Explains the transition from school to adult services and what different services can provide during and after high school. Includes information from the Department of Education, Nebraska VR, and DDD.
Explains the transition from school to adult services and what different services can provide during and after high school. Includes information from the Department of Education, NCBVI, and DDD.
The Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) website is available in a variety of language by selecting from a drop down in the top right corner (similar to the DHHS website).
A one-page overview of CDD Waiver services and requirements.
A one-page overview of DDAD Waiver services and requirements.
The process used to assess needs and decide budgets for purchasing DD services.
Eligibility requirements and how to apply.
Funding priority for eligible people and entry for graduates.
Brief descriptions of DD waiver services, available on the CDD, DDAD, and FSW.
Understand your rights. Your SC will review with you annually.
A one-page flyer listing FSW services and eligibility requirements.
A trifold brochure including eligibility requirements, DD Registry information, FSW funding priorities, and a flow-chart on the funding offer process.
An overview of DD services, provider qualifications and how to become an independent provider.
How an independent provider adds a new service with Maximus.
A one-page overview of the Katie Beckett program, which provides Medicaid to children with high medical needs.
General information about what Olmstead is and how it affects Nebraskans.
How to work with an independent provider.
Planning your own services with Charting the LifeCourse.
Resources to help young adults with DD make decisions as they move from high school to adult life. This project was funded by the Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities.
Information about eligibility, services, funding, resources for students, and a timeline.
A one-page overview of TBI Waiver services and requirements.
The process used to assess needs and determine TBI services.
Available TBI Waiver services, eligibility requirements, and how to apply.
Brief descriptions of TBI Waiver services.
Service Handbooks - Full service definitions for the TBI Waiver.
Participants and guardians can access Therap, the web-based case management system.
What applicants and participants need to know about Medicaid.
If you need a publication translated in another language, send us an email at