Behavioral Health

What would you like to do?

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

What you need to know


As the designated single state mental health and substance use authority, the Division administers, provides funding and oversight for a community-based prevention, treatment and recovery support system. The Division is charged to plan, organize, coordinate and budget for a statewide system of care for individuals and families that need public mental health and substance use disorder services.

The Office of Consume​r Affairs advocates for consumers of behavioral health services. The office has a variety of advocacy services, including Peer Support Specialist Core Curriculum and Certification.

The Division supports the Behavioral Health Network of Care and the Nebraska Family Helpline.

Tony Green, Interim Director
Tony Green, Interim Director

The Division of Behavioral Health's mission is to provide leadership and resources for a system of care that promotes and facilitates resilience and recovery for Nebraskans.


2024 Tornadoes - Washington and Douglas Counties

If you or someone you know has been affected by the tornadoes in Washington and Douglas counties in Nebraska, and need emotional or psychological support, please call Region 6 Behavioral Health to be connected with an outreach worker. Please call (402) 444-6573 and ask for Storm Outreach.

Attention Veterans

Routines create momentum that can carry you through on the days you don't have the strength to carry yourself. Take advantage of your personal assistant to keep you focused on what is important to you and what brings joy to your life.

DHHS is funding an app called LightBridge, which is a phone app designed to help veterans with mental health, PTSD, and traumatic brain injuries in their transition into civilian life.

Learn more

​​DHHS Behavioral Health Strategic Plan 2022-2024​


Nebraska Division of Behavioral Health has been working with Bamboo Health's OpenBeds® platform that will identify, unify, and track all mental health and substance use disorder inpatient and outpatient treatment resources in a single, common network, available 24/7. This HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based solution:

  • replaces inefficient manual tracking, search, communication, and reporting functions;
  • facilitates rapid referrals and feedback; and
  • fosters collaboration and coordination among hospitals, primary care, behavioral health, law enforcement, courts, crisis systems and other community service organizations.

​Nebraska's implementation will occur in phases.  For more information and to find out how you  can enroll, click here: https://bamboohealth.com/ne-openbe​ds-onboa​rding-resources/

Continuum of Care Manual

View the Continuum​ of Care Manua​l here. For all services funded by the Division of Behavioral Health on or after November 1, 2021, service delivery must meet the definitions as identified in the Continuum of Care  manual. The new Continuum of Care Manual includes updated service definitions, guidance on telehealth service provisions, and prevention information. The utilization management guidelines and billing processes have not changed.

General Documents 

People Trained to Serve on Mental Health Boards.pdfPeople Trained to Serve on Mental Health Boards10/1/2024 10:20 AM
Joint Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes April 18, 2024.pdfJoint Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes April 18, 20249/4/2024 1:18 PM
Nebraska-Combined-2025-Mini-Application-FFY2024-25_MH_SUPTRS_Block_Grant-DRAFT.pdfNebraska-Combined-2025-Mini-Application-FFY2024-25_MH_SUPTRS_Block_Grant-DRAFT8/29/2024 1:27 PM
FY25 Shift Form Template- Updated 8.21.24.xlsxFY25 Shift Form Template- Updated 8.21.248/22/2024 3:08 PM
Strategic Plan Performance Summary CY2023.pdfStrategic Plan Performance Summary CY20238/15/2024 2:49 PM
Continuum of Care Manual.pdfContinuum of Care Manual8/15/2024 2:49 PM
Strategic Plan Metrics 2023.pdfStrategic Plan Metrics 20238/15/2024 2:49 PM
NPIRS-UserManual.pdfNPIRS-UserManual8/7/2024 11:12 AM
Mental Health Board Reference Manual - 2024.pdfMental Health Board Reference Manual - 20247/11/2024 11:14 AM
7.11.24 Nebraska Integrated Healthcare Task Force Meeting Agenda.pdf7.11.24 Nebraska Integrated Healthcare Task Force Meeting Agenda7/11/2024 11:14 AM
MHB Manual Affidavit of Completion.pdfMHB Manual Affidavit of Completion6/21/2024 2:56 PM
Instructions to Request an Age Waiver.pdfInstructions to Request an Age Waiver5/31/2024 10:35 AM
Behavioral Health Consumer Survey Report - 2023.pdfBehavioral Health Consumer Survey Report - 20235/31/2024 10:35 AM
Alternative Compliance Request Instructions.pdfAlternative Compliance Request Instructions5/31/2024 10:35 AM
2023 TIC Report.pdf2023 TIC Report5/31/2024 10:35 AM
2023 Compass Report.pdf2023 Compass Report5/31/2024 10:35 AM
Request for Proposal Rubric.docxRequest for Proposal Rubric5/15/2024 1:29 PM
Division of Behavioral Health Annual Report-SFY23.pdfDivision of Behavioral Health Annual Report-SFY234/23/2024 3:04 PM
Sex Offender Treatment Directory April 2024.pdfSex Offender Treatment Directory April 20244/19/2024 11:24 AM
Incarceration Services Enrollment and Attestation Form-EXTERNAL (3).pdfIncarceration Services Enrollment and Attestation Form-EXTERNAL (3)4/9/2024 10:14 AM
Provider-Service Change Request 02.26.24.xlsxProvider-Service Change Request 02.26.243/15/2024 1:59 PM
Region Intent to Propose.docxRegion Intent to Propose3/6/2024 12:45 PM
Plan for One Application v2.2.pdfPlan for One Application v2.23/6/2024 12:44 PM
FY25 SUPTRSBG Prevention Work Plan.xlsmFY25 SUPTRSBG Prevention Work Plan3/6/2024 12:44 PM
DBH Region Budget Shift Form.xlsxDBH Region Budget Shift Form3/6/2024 12:44 PM
RP3 Open Access.xlsxRP3 Open Access3/6/2024 12:44 PM
Age Waiver Request.pdfAge Waiver Request3/6/2024 12:43 PM
Statute 69-2409.01 Status Report December 2023.pdfStatute 69-2409.01 Status Report December 20232/13/2024 3:11 PM
FFY 2024 Annual Synar Report.pdfFFY 2024 Annual Synar Report12/27/2023 9:55 AM
Nebraska_2024_SUPTRS_Block_Grant_Report.pdfNebraska_2024_SUPTRS_Block_Grant_Report12/18/2023 12:54 PM
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