Community and Rural Health Planning
Public Health
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What you need to know

​​​​​​​​The Office of Community Health & Performance Management (OCHPM) strengthens the public health system in Nebraska by working with local public health departments and community-based organizations. The office also leads the effort for sustaining the Division of Public Health's national accreditation with the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB).

Nebraska Strategic Plan

Working with Division leadership and staff, a DHHS Division of Public Health Strategic Plan was created for 2017-2021. Any comments or questions may be emailed to DHHS.DPHStratPlan@nebraska.gov.

Strategic Plan 2017-2021

Nebraska State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP)

The State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) is a blueprint for improving the public health system (indirect impact) as well as improving specific health outcomes related to heart disease, stroke, cancer and associated risk factors (direct impact). Five priority areas include strategies and activities designed to result in positive outcomes for the system and ultimately population health. Any comments or questions may be emailed to DHHS.SHIP@nebraska.gov.

SHIP Plan - 2017 - 2021

SHIP Focus Area Dashboards "coming soon."

Nebraska Statewide Health Needs Assessment

In 2015, OCHPM coordinated a state health assessment (SHA) using the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships process (MAPP). The qualitative and quantitative results from the SHA serve as the foundation for setting priorities for the state health improvement plan (SHIP). Below you will find the full SHA report, which outlines the assessment findings. Any comments or questions about the report may be emailed to Raheem Sanders (raheem.sanders@nebraska.gov).  

Statewide Health Needs Assessment - 2016

Other A​ctivities

The OCHPM also collaborates with all Nebraska health departments and community public health partners to do the following:

  • Provide technical assistance to Nebraska local public health departments; 
  • Distribute funds to the local health departments under the Health Care Funding Act and submit an annual report to the Legislature;  
  • Develop a framework for the 2020 Nebraska Healthy People Objectives;
  • Manage the Nebraska Stem Cell Research Project and submit an annual report to the Legislature; and
  • Collaborate with local health departments, the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Public Health, and other public health partners to improve the public health system in Nebraska.

Healthy People 2020

The Nebraska Healthy People​ 2020 presents a comprehensive review of the state of health and well-being for Nebraskans within 24 focus areas and includes current data as well as goals for 2020. While these target values represent our desired population health levels to achieve, the Healthy People 2020 is not an action plan that identifies specific strategies towards each focus area. Nonetheless, the performance of activities statewide by the state and local health departments and community partners is anticipated to improve population health in these areas.

Nebraska Healthy People 2020 Final Report

About Us

Maya Chilese, Administrator

(402) 471-7779

  1. Provide leadership for statewide public health needs assessments and statewide planning to be implemented collaboratively by the Division of Public Health and stakeholders
  2. Guide Division of Public Health performance and quality improvement efforts including national accreditation, workforce development, and strategic planning
  3. Support the local health departments to meet the 10 essential public health services

Jeff Armitage, Epidemiology Surveillance Coordinator
(402) 471-7733

  1. Coordinate the Nebraska Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
  2. Provide data and evaluation support to state performance management system efforts
  3. Provide technical assistance to local health departments on planning, data collection, and data reporting

Pat DeLancey, Administrative Assistant
(402) 471-2353

Catherine Plumlee, State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) & Strategic Plan Manager
(402) 471-0860

  1. Coordinate and support the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the Nebraska State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) and the Division of Public Health Strategic Plan
  2. Develop and monitor the performance dashboards for SHIP and Strategic Plan efforts
  3. Provide on-going communication to division leadership and external partners on the progress of SHIP and the Strategic Plan

Greg Moser, Program Coordinator
(402) 471-0709

  1. Serves as liaison between the Office of Community Health & Performance Management and local health departments
  2. Provides technical assistance and support to local health departments on intervention planning, performance management, quality improvement, public health accreditation, and meeting the 10 essential public health services
  3. Coordinates conferences, trainings, and webinars for local health departments that strengthen capacity and enhance skills in program development and implementation

Raheem Sanders, Performance Measurement Manager
(402) 471-2377

  1. Coordinates Division of Public Health performance management and quality improvement efforts
  2. Provides technical assistance to local health departments to support performance management and quality improvement activities
  3. Coordinates Division of Public Health efforts to continue to meet national public health accreditation standards and measures


 Office of Community Health & Performance Management 
Phone Number
(402) 471-2353
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026