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Refugees are individuals who fled persecution in their homelands. The Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) helps newly arrived refugees and other eligible populations establish a new life and self-sufficiency following their arrival in the United States.
- Medical and cash assistance for up to twelve months after arrival in the U.S. This assistance is only available if the refugee is not eligible for other programs.
- Refugee Health Screening and Vaccinations – Health screening and initial vaccinations are provided within 90 days after arrival.
- Refugee Social Services – Provides employment and English as a Second Language (ESL) services for the first five years in the U.S.
- School Impact Grants (for Omaha and Lincoln schools only)
- Services to Older Refugees
Resettlement is conducted by Nebraska's local Refugee Resettlement Agencies:
HealthReach – Health education materials in various languages and formats
New Americans Task Force
Ohio Refugee Service Videos