Certification and Verification information can obtained online using our License Information System.
To request a certification or verification of your license be sent directly to another state licensing agency, send a written request to our office (address is below) and include the following:
- Your full name as it appears on your license
- Your profession
- The address to send the certification or verification to
- The proper fee – check or money order made payable to DHHS Licensure Unit.
Certification or Verification Fee Form - See information on each type below.
Nebraska Nurse Aides do not pay a fee for certification or verification of their registry status.
Certification Fee - $25.00
Certification includes:
- Name
- Profession
- License number
- Issuance date
- Expiration date
- Whether the license was granted by examination, waiver, or reciprocity
- Examination information, if available
- Any disciplinary action taken against the license with the type(s) and date(s) of the action if applicable
- SEAL of the State of Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services.
Verification Fee - $5.00
Verification includes:
- Name
- Profession
- License Number
- Expiration Date
- Department Staff Signature
Verification does not include the SEAL of the State of Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services, nor information relating to discipline, school, or examination.
Please mail your certification or verification request with the above-requested information and fee to the Licensure Unit:
DHHS Licensure Unit
Attn: [your profession] Licensing
PO Box 94986
Lincoln, NE 68509-4986