The Advisory Committee on Developmental Disabilities is governed by Nebraska Revised Statute §83-1212.01.
The advisory committee advises DHHS on funding and delivery of services. This includes:
- Providing oversight to make sure people placed in the custody of the department under the Developmental Disabilities Court-Ordered Custody Act receive the least restrictive treatment and services necessary;
- Overseeing the design and implementation of the quality management and improvement plan; and
- Assisting, providing feedback, and guiding the implementation of the family support program under Nebraska Revised Statute §68-1530.
DDD informs the advisory committee of proposed changes at least thirty days before changes start so the advisory committee may respond.
The advisory committee includes representatives of:
- A statewide advocacy organization for persons with developmental disabilities and their families;
- Nebraska's protection and advocacy organization;
- The Nebraska Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCDD); and
- The University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disability Education, Research and Service (UCEDD).
There may be up to 15 additional members. At least 51% of members are people with developmental disabilities and their family members.
Members are appointed by the Governor for three year terms, with a designated chairperson.
Name, Representing, City
- Dorothy Ackland, Participant, Crab Orchard
- Mike Browne, Family Member, Lincoln
- Cathy Clark-Martinez, Interested Citizen, Lincoln
- Linda Clemens, Family Member, Alliance
- Dianne DeLair, Protection & Advocacy, Lincoln
- Christina Evans, Family Member, Adams
- Jennifer Hansen, Family Member, Elkhorn
- Kristen Larsen, Developmental Disabilities Council, Lincoln
- Jennifer Miller, Statewide Advocacy, Bellevue
- Cristal Petersen, Family Member, Lincoln
- Lisa Pruitt, Participant, Alliance
- Lorie Regier, Family Member, Madrid
- Debbie Salomon, Family Member, Omaha
- Mark D Shriver, University Center for Excellence, Omaha
- Joe Valenti, Family Member, Omaha
- Suzanne L Wahlgren, Family Member, Gothenburg
- Angela Willey, Interested Citizen, Elmwood
Member list updated March 2025.
Meeting Information
Upcoming Meetings
The advisory committee meetings fall under the Nebraska Open Meetings Act. Unless otherwise stated, meetings are held in Conference Room P, at 5220 South 16th St, Lincoln; on Wednesdays; at 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Central Time, with public comments being heard at 12:00 Noon. Ten committee members are needed to meet quorum.
The following meetings are scheduled:
- April 9, 2025
- May 14, 2025
- June 11, 2025