Child Death Review

Lifespan Health
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​​​​​​​About the Child Death Review Team (CDRT)​

The Nebraska Legislature created the Child Death Review Team (CDRT) in 1993. At that time, about 300 Nebraska children were dying each year but there was no process to understand why and how the deaths happened.

The CDRT reviews the numbers and causes of deaths of children ages 0 to 17. CDRT members also try to identify cases where a person or community could reasonably have done something to prevent the death. All child deaths are reviewed, not just “suspicious" or violent ones.  

The goals of these reviews are to:

  • Identify patterns of preventable child death.
  • Recommend changes in health care and social services systems' responses to child deaths.
  • Refer any previously unsuspected cases of abuse, malpractice, or homicide to law enforcement.
  • Report to the public and state policy makers about child deaths. These reports include recommendations on changes that might prevent future deaths.

In 2021, at least 122 children died before turning one, an infant mortality rate (IMR) of 5.2 deaths per 1,000 live births. Also in​ 2021, 104 child deaths (ages 1-17) were recorded; Nebraska had a Child Mortality Rate (CMR) of 22.6 per 100,000 children.

NEW - Child Death Review Team Annual Report

Top 3 Causes of Death for Infants in Nebraska for 2021

  1. Perinatal Conditions
  2. Congenital Anomalies
  3. Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID)​

Top 3 Causes of Death for Children in Nebraska for 2021

  1. Suicide by Suffocation/Strangulation
  2. Transportation Related
  3. Respiratory Diseases​

​Sudden Unexpected Infant Death Reporting

Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) is a term used to describe unexpected infant deaths and is not an official diagnosis. Further investigation is needed to determine the cause of death, including an autopsy, death scene review, and a review of clinical history. Approximately 1 in 5 infant deaths in Nebraska are related to SUID. Classifying deaths as SUID provides little information for prevention efforts that could be implemented to reduce future similar deaths related to risk factors present.

A group of invested partners convened to develop an updated SUID investigation reporting form and online training for Law Enforcement, First Responders, Investigators, County Attorneys and their Designees, and Forensic Pathologists. Register for the free self-paced training in the Answers 4 Families Classroom​. Please follow the Instructions for creating an account and enrolling.

Please utilize the Nebraska SUID Report Form​ in the investigation of all such deaths.​

Office of Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology

​Fax Number
(402) 471-7049
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026