Nebraska prevention efforts focus on maintaining safe and drug-free communities.
The Division works through regions and community coalitions to plan and carry out activities that result in positive change.
The Division and its partners at the state and local levels are focusing efforts to reduce:
- Underage drinking
- Binge drinking
- Prescription drug abuse
- Marijuana use
- Suicide attempts
- Illegal sales of tobacco products to minors
To accomplish change, community coalitions implement strategies that:
- Increase the perception of risk
- Increase positive norms and policies associated with drug and alcohol-free life choices
- Increase positive attachments to family, school, neighborhood and community
- Reduce parental and peer group attitudes favorable toward the problem behavior or use
Prevention Resources
Mental Health First Aid aims to teach members of the public how to respond in a mental health emergency and offer support to someone who appears to be in emotional distress. The course is taught throughout Nebraska. Information about next available course can be obtained by contacting the mental health first aid organization.
Be Prepared, Get NARCAN
Are you or a love done at risk of an opioid overdose? Narcan® (naloxone) nasal spray can quickly reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Anyone who is a Nebraska resident can obtain Narcan® for free at a participating pharmacy without a prescription. To find a participating pharmacy near you, visit
What to do in case of an opioid overdose:
- Administer Narcan® if available
- Call 911 immediately
- Try to keep the person awake and breathing
- Lay the person on their side to prevent choking
- Stay with the person until emergency help arrives
Get NARCAN® Nasal Spray so you can help reverse an opioid overdose.