The State of Nebraska, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Economic Assistance, Childcare and Development Fund Program. (“DHHS"), is issuing this Request for Applications (“RFA") for the purposes of entering into grant agreement(s) (“grant" or “grants") and awarding state funds to an eligible and qualified entity for a one-time start-up grant to nursing homes or assisted-living facilities to develop an intergenerational childcare facility in which nursing services or assisted living facility services and childcare are provided. A more detailed description may be found in Project Description, Section 2.
This funding opportunity is open to “non-federal entities" as set forth in 45 CFR § 75.2 or 2 CFR § 200.69. A “non-federal entity" is limited to local governments, Indian tribes, institutions of higher education, and non-profit organizations. For profit entities and individuals may not apply for this grant funding. All entities that apply for this funding MUST meet the following requirements:
- Must provide documentation that applicant is a Nursing Homes as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat § 38-2421 or an Assisted Living Facilities as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat § 71-5903.
- Must provide documentation that the facility has not been cited for substandard quality of care during its most recent survey.
- Must provide certification to participate in Medicare or Medicaid.
- Must provide a plan describing how the grantee plans to participate in the quality rating and improvement system described in Neb. Rev. Stat § 71-1956 within three years after the date the grant is awarded.
Preference will be given to applicants serving a rural area as described in Neb. Rev. Stat § 81-1288.
Request For Application
Addendum 1: Language Change