Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver Providers

Medicaid Related Assistance
Developmental Disabilities

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What you need to know

What you need to know


This page helps you provide important services to Medicaid HCBS DD Waiver participants. Be sure to also use the HCBS Provider Homepage​, the Training page, and the Resources page.

You are also responsible to know information from MLTC Provider Bulletins and DDD Provider Bulletins.

Sections on this page

    Add Services

    ​Learn about becoming a Family Support Waiver (FSW) provider. 

    Information for All DD Providers

    The following sections are applicable to both Agency and Independent Providers.

    Changes to 403 NAC

    ​The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) has made revisions to Title 403 of the Nebraska Administrative Code (NAC). The updated 403 NAC regulations are currently pending approval.

    DD Policy Manual 

    ​The DD Policy Manual outlines requirements and procedures for Medicaid Home and Community-Based (HCBS) Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver services. The policy manual is intended to help DD providers deliver quality habilitative services and supports, and help ensure the health and safety of those served. All providers of DD services must comply with this manual.

    ​DD Services General Guides

    Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

    ​The Federal 21st Century Cures Act includes a Medicaid requirement for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). EVV allows in-home care providers to check in and out electronically. 


    Functional Behavioral Assessments, Behavior Support Plans, and Safety Plans

    • Functional Behavioral Assessments & Behavior Support Plans - The process to help participants with target behaviors.
    • Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Information
      • Functional Behavioral Assessment Template​ - Expectations for a participant's FBA. This meets requirements listed in the Behavioral Health Service Definitions for Heritage Health.
      • FBA Checklist - one-page list of who can complete, required elements, and important tips.
    • Behavior Support Plan (BSP) Information
      • Behavior Support Plan Checklist - one-page list of required elements and important tips.
      • PEARLS Presentation​ - PEARLS is a Proactive Treatment Interaction is a social exchange between individuals intended to result in greater independence, autonomy, or inclusion for one of the individuals in the exchange. It can be used with all participants receiving services and by any provider. It is also an effective supervision and teaching tool to support DSP.  PEARLS is research-based with proven effectiveness with reducing problem behaviors. 
    • Safety Plan Information

    ICAP Assessment Tool

    DDD uses the ICAP assessment tool to determine funding amount for participants of Medicaid HCBS DD Waiver Services. Training is directed toward DD providers, but may be used by anyone interested in learning about the objective assessment process. 

    Incident Reporting, Follow-Up, & Management Committee

    HCBS providers are required to complete incident reports and follow-up on Therap. All incidents for participants on the CDD and DDAD Waivers are required. 

    Instructions are available:

    Incident Follow-Up and GER Resolution - September 2024 

    This training provides an in-depth look at the Incident Remediation process in the GER Resolution. It is intended to assist providers and other individuals who complete the Resolution by giving a detailed explanation of what is required in each section. 

    Incident Management Committee - Committee reviewing incidents and trends

    Mortality Review

    DDD partners with Liberty Healthcare, an independent quality improvement company. Liberty Healthcare is working with DDD to review operations and make recommendations for improvements to its systems and practices. For more information on mortality review:

    Therap - the State-Mandated Single Case Management System

    ​Therap is used for many things, including incident reports, billing, referrals and secure communication. 

    • Therap Log In - The portal to enter your Therap account.
    • Therap Training Academy - Sign up for free! Anyone can view and attend the offered trainings. Therap keeps track of your courses.

    DD Rates and Fee Schedules

    DD Service Fee Schedules list rates for Medicaid HCBS Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver services. Only one fee schedule is effective at a time. Start and end dates are on each schedule.​

    • DD Provider Grant Memo​​ - May 25, 2023 updated memo from Director Green about payments for stabilization, with a focus on hiring and retaining Direct Support Professionals​
    • DD Provider Rate Memo​ - June 21, 2022 memo from Director Green re: rate increases


    DD Agency Provider Information

    DD Agency Providers Directory - Includes alphabetical and geographical listings, what services each provider offers, and contact information.​

    Alternative Compliance

    ​A DD agency provider must request alternative compliance to provide services differently than what is outlined in regulations. 

    Cost Reports

    Developmental Disabilities Court-Ordered Custody Act

    ​Reviews the Nebraska Developmental Disability Court-Ordered Custody Act (DDCOCA) and procedures related to it. Information in this training is specifically aimed at how DDCOCA affects agency providers as contractors and partners with the Division and the additional responsibilities in such cases. 

    HCBS Final Settings Rule - Assessments and Training

    When a DD provider opens a new residential service setting, the provider must complete a self-assessment at least 15 business days before opening. Residential settings include group homes, host homes, and shared living homes. 

    When a DD provider opens a new non-residential site, the provider must notify DDD Provider Relations at so an assessment can be completed at least 15 business days before opening. Non-residential settings include workshops, hubs, enclaves, and other locations where day services occur.

    For more information on the plan for home and community-based services, visit the Final Settings Rule page.


    In early 2023, DDD provided training on Self-Assessment Tips and Tricks.

    In November 2022, DDD provided training for DD agency providers. Topics included how the Final Settings Rule applies to providers, self-assessment requirements, and on-site assessment.

    Human Legal Rights Advisory Committee - February 2024

    DDD and Liberty have created a Human Legal Rights Advisory Committee (HLRAC) that helps protect the rights of people receiving DD Waiver services, promotes best practices for provider committees, and adds a quality outcome focus. The HLRAC reviews cases, makes recommendations, and shares information with the providers and teams to achieve individually defined quality-of-life outcomes.

    • HLRAC flyer - A quick overview.
    • HLRAC Stakeholder Training - An overview of human and legal rights, rights for participants of DD Waiver services, rights restrictions, and rights review committees, as well as an introduction to the newly implemented Human and Legal Rights Advisory Committee (HLRAC). 

    Human Legal Rights Committee Requirements for Agency Providers - Sept 2024

    As of March 15, 2024, DD agency providers are required to enter their HLRC information in Therap. 

    Public Health Certified Provider Resources

    ​The DHHS-Public Health page for DD Certified Provider Resources includes resources such as:

    • Renewal Application
    • Provider Contact Points with DHHS​

    Shared Living Provider (SLP) Requirements - January 2024

    Shared Living Provider requirements: 

    Specialized Add-On Services

    MLTC and DDD held presentations January 2022 for DD Agency Providers about specialized add-on services.

    DD Independent Provider Information​

    DD Independent Providers Directory​ - Includes alphabetical and geographical listings, what services each provider offers, and contact information.

    Abuse and Neglect Training

    ​​Providers must have training on Abuse and Neglect. Free training is available:

    DHHS Processes for Independent Providers

    Habilitative Program Writing

    Habilitation programs must be written for habilitative services. Providers are required to know how to write and run programs. The following free training is available:

    Therap Resources Specific to Independent Providers