Electronic Visit Verification

Medicaid Related Assistance
Medicaid & Long-Term Care

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What you need to know

​DHHS Pauses Implementation of EVV System Changes​

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), in collaboration with Netsmart, has rescheduled the planned implementation of changes to the federally required Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) System for Nebraska Medicaid Personal Assistance Services (PAS) and Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) providers.

DHHS is dedicated to ensuring that providers and customers experience a smooth transition with the implementation of the EVV system changes. The new implementation date will be February 19, 2025.

DHHS is scheduling provider education and information forums for providers and the public. Providers are encouraged to comply with state and federal regulations including those that will be enforced by the upcoming changes.​

Past Townhalls and Forums ​

Provider Training Sessions

Force Pay by State Adjustment Request and Provider Schedule and Go

DD/FSW Waiver

AD/TBI Waiver & PAS

Provider Townhalls

​​Provider Forums

  • 7/30/24 session - Slides from July 30, 2024 Provider Forum
  • 8/6/24 session for Aged and Disabled and Traumatic Brain Injury waiver providers 
  • 8/8/24 session for Personal Assistance Services providers
  • 8/9/24 session ​for Developmental Disabilities waiver providers​

Meetings will be recorded for future reference and can be found here for Netsmart and here​ for Therap.

​EVV Single Audit Frequently Aske​d Questions 

​Nebraska Medicaid to Begin EVV Home Health Implementation

Nebraska Medicaid will begin the phased implementation of the new electronic visit verification (EVV) system for home health providers on January 1, 2024.

Registration for home health providers opens on December 18, 2023.

EVV for personal care services was implemented by Nebraska Medicaid on January 1, 2021.

EVV Home Health Frequently Asked Questions​​​

If you have a question that is not on the FAQ or need additional assistance, you can contact Nebraska Medicaid via email at DHHS.EVVHomeHealth@nebraska.gov​.​


The Federal 21st Century Cures Act (2016)​ required Nebraska to implement a new electronic visit verification (EVV) system for Medicaid personal assistance services and home health providers. 

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Section 12006 of the Cures Act amended the Social Security Act mandating state Medicaid agencies to implement EVV for personal care services requiring an in-home visit by a provider beginning January 1, 2019. 

A federal change later adjusted the date to January 1, 2020, and provided an option for states to apply for a 'Good Faith Exemption' request to implement EVV for personal care services at a later date. 

Nebraska applied for the Good Faith Exemption and was approved by CMS to implement EVV for personal care services prior to January 1, 2021. Home health care services will be required to utilize EVV beginning January 1, 2023.​​

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What is Nebraska doing to implement EVV?

Nebraska is implementing EVV in two separate phases. Phase 1 focused on Personal Care Services and Phase 2 will be implemented on January 1, 2024, and focuses on Home Health Services.

EVV allows providers to clock in and out of service appointments using an application on their smartphone or other electronic device. Providers will be able to record the exact date, time, service provided, and location of a visit.  This will help the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) verify visit information.

EVV is good for participants, providers, and DHHS. Some of EVV's benefits include:

  • Providers will not need to use paper time sheets for services verified by EVV.
  • It will be easier for DHHS will record and verify visit information to make sure members receive only DHHS-approved services and that the service was provided. 

Project History - Important Dates 

  • Production-ready for third-party EVV vendors: 11/13/2020
  • Registration date: 12/20/2020
  • Start date for DD waiver providers using Therap: 01/01/2021
  • EVV for Personal Care Services launch date: 01/03/2021
  • Start date for agency providers with third-party EVV vendors: 01/03/2021
  • EVV for Personal Care Services was certified by CMS 07/27/22
  • DHHS has received approval from CMS for its Good Faith Effort (GFE) exemption request  to extend the implementation of electronic visit verification for home health care services from January 1, 2023 to January 1, 2024. 
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Phase 1: Personal Care Services

  • EVV System Implemented on January 1, 2021.
  • Personal Care Services Include:
    • Consumer Direct Services
    • Home Health Agency Services
  • Communications
    • ​Personal Care Services FAQ

Phase 2: Home Health Services

The phased implementation of EVV for home health begins on January 1, 2024.

​Implementation Timeline(Estimated) Start Date
Self-Registration Opens
December 18, 2023
Visit Capture Begins
January 1, 2024
Visit Capture Mandated
April 1, 2024
Claims Mandated through Mobile Caregiver+
April 1, 2024*

Home Health Services Include:

  • ​Home Health Aid Services
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Skilled Nursing Services
  • ​Speech Therapy

EVV will not be required for all services that a Home Health Agency may deliver.

EVV is not required for durable medical equipment and supplies.

Consistent with previous guidance, as of April 1, 2024, all providers will be required to capture their visits in the Netsmart Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system. 

* DHHS is extending the requirement that claim submissions must also be submitted through the Netsmart EVV system to May 1, 2024. This is to allow all providers additional time to complete the implementation of their technical solutions. Please contact the Heritage Health managed care plans that you are enrolled with as a provider if you have any further questions.

​​Guidance & Updates​

Alternate EVV Vendor Requirements

DHHS will require alternate EVV Vendors to sign an attestation for Netsmart saying their system is compliant.


Completed forms for personal care service providers should be emailed to Nebraska Medicaid at DHHS.MedicaidFA-EVV@Nebraska.gov​ or faxed to (402) 742-2321.

Completed forms for home health providers should be emailed to Nebraska Medicaid at DHHS.EVVHomeHealth@nebraska.gov or faxed to (402) 742-2321.

Netsmart Support Line
Phone Number
(833) 483-5587​