As a team, we support holistic life course development, from pregnancy through adulthood.
Our programs
Life course development
Life is comprised of events that positively and negatively impact a person. These events happen before conception, during and after pregnancy, and throughout all stages of life:
- Infancy
- Childhood
- Adolescence
- Adulthood

Health occurs within a landscape of our interactions with environments, systems, services, and opportunity. The health care system is transforming. We help local communities support healthy outcomes, from pregnancy through out adulthood by offering:
- Systems Building, infrastructure development
- Resources; Consultation; Training; Education
- Information on statutes and regulations
- Development of a professional community health workforce
- Evidence-based guidelines and best practices
- Partnering for local resource development
- Development of meaningful, useful, local data systems to monitor and inform healthy pregnancy and child outcomes.
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)
Social determinants of health (SDOH) are conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, paly, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality-of-life risks and outcomes. In addition to the more material attributes of “place," the patterns of social engagement and sense of security and well-being are also affected by where people live. Resources that enhance quality of life can have a significant influence on population health outcomes and equity.
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