The Nebraska Partnership for Mental Healthcare Access in Pediatrics (NEP-MAP) informs, advises, and advances the works of the Pediatric Mental Healthcare Access Grant in Nebraska.
NEP-MAP is committed to purposefully and intentionally working towards the opportunity for all to have access to the services and supports needed to eliminate disparities.
NEP-MAP collaborates to develop, advise, and advocate for programs that advance the mental health of Nebraska children 0-21 years old.
NEP-MAP supports professionals in pediatric, emergency department, and school settings by...
- Increasing access and availability of pediatric mental health consultation teams so professionals can provide children the care they need.
- Conducting trainings and offering technical assistance.
- Promoting care coordination support services to promote early identification, diagnosis, and treatment of behavioral health conditions.
- Improving access to treatment and referral services for children and adolescents with identified behavioral health conditions.
Provider Services
Tele-Behavioral Health Consultation for Providers
- The UNMC Tele-Behavioral Health Consultation Team (TBHC) provides mental health care support to primary care providers in Nebraska who are managing patients with behavioral health problems. This includes individuals who are providing services to children, adolescents and young adults through age 21.
- Providers are available to offer guidence on diagnosis, medications, and psychotherapy interventions to assist primary care providers in better managing patients in their practices. Support is available through phone and synchonous audio/video teleconference consultations to referring primary care providers.
Asynchronus Trainings for Primary Care Providers
- The Tele-Behavioral Health Consultation (TBHC) enduring material seeks to provide primary care providers (PCP) with the tools they need to increase their confidence and competence in managing psychiatric and behavioral health concerns in primary care.
- List of Available Trainings:
- Evidence Based Psychotherapy and Medication Management for Skin Picking and Other Repetative Behaviors
- Impact of Social Media on Youth and How to Manage Social Media Recommendations in Primary Care
- Case Presentations: Anxiety, PTSD, and Complex ADHD
- What You Need to Know About Section 504 Plans
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Primary Care
- Gender-Affirming Practices in Primary Care
- Screening for Autism in Pediatric Primary Care
- Medication Management in Primary Care
Children's Nebraska Outreach and Provider Education (COPE)- COPE is a state-wide, grant funded program addressing critical gaps in access to pediatric mental health care by bridging the continuum of care between primary care providers and mental health professionals. COPE provides provider-to-provider consultation with a licensed mental health provider and/or a child and adolescent psychiatrist, education and training, and referral and linkage services to pediatric primary care providers who have a desire and need to provide care for children and adolescents with behavioral health concerns.
Confidential and Professional Support for Providers- The National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) has compiled a list of resources to assist healthcare professionals. When other forms of self-care and support aren't enough, professional support can help.
Peer Support Resources for Providers- NAMI can help connect you to peers that understand the daily challenges and frustrations of the profession and are able to lend support in tough times. Peer support offers you a shared perspective with a skilled response.
- American Psychiatric Association - Well-being Resources for Providers
Family Services
In Crisis?
Call 988Nebraska's Mental Healthcare Needs
Nearly 1 in 5 Nebraskans have a mental illness.
Rural Nebraska has 3 Psychiatrists (per 100,000 residents), compared to Urban Nebraska's 11.8.
88 of 93 counties in Nebraska are designated Mental Health Professions Shortage Areas.
29 counties in Nebraska have no behavioral health provider
Rural Nebraska has 8.7 Psychologists (per 100,000 residents), compared to Urban Nebraska's 27.9.
Diverse providers, especially those fluent in Spanish and other languages, are in high demand.
Only 26% of Nebraska's Licensed Behavioral Health Professionals serve rural areas (an area almost 25x larger than urban Nebraska.
The number of individuals who only hold a Licensed Alcohol and Drug counselor certification (LADCs) has decreased over time.
* Information obtained from:
Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska Legislative Report FY 2020 & 2021
Our Partners
Thank you to all of our partners. Your work and support plays a key role in the success of the NEP-MAP Program.
- University of Nebraska Medical Center - Munroe-Meyer Institute
- University of Nebraska Medical Center - College of Public Health
- University of Nebraska Lincoln - Public Policy Center
- Reach Out and Read
- Family Engagement Group
July 21, 2023
October 28, 2022
April 15, 2022
October 15, 2021
July 16, 2021
April 16, 2021
January 15, 2021
October 16, 2020
July 17, 2020
April 17, 2020
January 17, 2020
October 18, 2019
August 23, 2019
April 19, 2019
January 18, 2019
NEP-MAP is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of cooperative agreement U4CMC32322 to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NEDHHS) totaling $681,025 per year with additional 20% percent non-federal funds cost-sharing. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, HRSA, HHS, the U.S. Government, or NEDHHS.
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