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Parenting isn't always easy.
Home visitors are partners in family resilience.

Community-based * Voluntary * Free ​​

The Nebraska-Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program (N-MIECHV) is evidence-based, utilizing the Healthy Families America model of home visiting. We are STRENGTHS-BASED, and FAMILY-CENTERED. N-MIECHV programs offer support for pregnant or parenting families of children birth to age 5 who may struggle with significant life stressors such as poverty, exposure to violence or substance abuse, teen parenting, or military families with one or both parents in service.

Home Visiting at a Glance

Service Capacity:

N-MIECHV programs have the capacity to serve 711 families across the state. 

Geographical Area Served:

Panhandle, Lincoln/Lancaster Co, Omaha/Douglas Co, 14-co service area in northeast Nebraska, 10-co service area in southeast/south-central, along the I-80 corridor, and central Nebraska. See the Nebraska map.

Points of Interest:

  • N-MIECHV collaborates with organizations and agencies statewide to provide individual resources for families.
  • We partner with Children and Family Services to engage families in order to minimize or prevent further involvement with child welfare. 
  • Over 90% of our caregivers enrolled are screened for relationship violence, depression, and substance use within the first 3 months.​
  • N-MIECHV home visitors complete 90-100 hours of professional development annually.


More Information


Jennifer Auman
Program Manager
Phone Number
(402) 471-9755
(402) 314-8013
BrieAnna Everett
Program Specialist
Phone Number
(531) 249-1610
(402) 613-1302


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