In our programs, we strategically gather data in deliberate and meaningful ways. Documentation at the individual family level is collected on six main areas in the lifespan:
N-MIECHV and KU collaborate to provide training, technical support and assistance to all of the local implementing agencies in the process of collecting, cleaning, and reporting the data. With the collection, analysis, and comparison of data we can prove that implementation of home visiting in communities is making a difference and moving the needle in Nebraska on positive maternal-child health outcomes. Every three years, N-MIECHV submits benchmark data to HRSA (Health Services & Resources Administration – the federal administrators of the MIECHV grant). Nebraska must show improvement on four of six benchmarks to secure formula funding.
Annual Statewide Benchmark (DAISEY) Reports
In evidence-based programs, Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) plans at the local and state levels assure that the data supports programmatic decision-making. N-MIECHV maintains a State CQI Team made up of state and local staff that meet quarterly to discuss, plan, implement, and report on potential improvements to be made across programs. The methodology is based on formal training from Michigan Public Health Institute and refresher training is offered annually. Local programs submit quarterly reports on state CQI plans as well as local CQI plans.
Creating a Culture of Quality; What Continuous Quality Improvement Looks Like in Action
A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could.