Parenting isn't always easy.
Home visitors are partners in family resilience.
Our greatest partners are the local implementing agencies that deliver evidence-based home visiting services in their community. The direct service providers are, above all, the ones who truly make a difference at the level of the individual families. You need only to read a few of the stories from the families themselves to understand how much difference that is.Partners all across the state work together to educate stakeholders, families and resource organizations about evidence-based and research-based home visiting programs. As a group, they act as advisors and advocates, giving eligible families greater reach and available supports. The network of home visiting programs provide professional development activities and bring best practice to ALL direct service providers, regardless of model, program or funding source. For example, it was through this collaboration that the online home visitor training modules were created, and the statewide home visiting map & contact list! The system of collaboration not only informs, but creates opportunity for statewide change in the early childhood comprehensive systems work.
N-MIECHV is part of the Maternal-Child Health team in the Division of Public Health. We maintain formal relationships with the other DHHS divisions and the Dept. of Education to ensure collaboration, appropriate data sharing, and reciprocal resource and referral relationships.
Many of our
resource materials available for downloads have come from internal and external partners. N-MIECHV is proud of the SYSTEMS, STATE, and LOCAL partnerships.
Our statewide partners
Please click on each program to link to the webpage.
There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
Winnie the Pooh