Parenting isn't always easy.
Home visitors are partners in family resilience.
The MODEL of home visiting is the APPROACH — it is how you talk to families, following the best practice standards exactly as they are written in-order to get the amazing results that the model demonstrates. The federal MIECHV program approves several models of evidence-based home visiting.
View Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness.
Healthy Families America (HFA) is the evidence based model of home visiting that has been chosen by all of the communities that have gone through the Community Planning process from 2010 - 2020. HFA has proven positive outcomes in:
maternal and child health;
child development and school readiness;
reductions in child maltreatment;
reductions in juvenile delinquency, family violence, and crime;
positive parenting practices;
family economic self-sufficiency and;
linkages and referrals so it aligns with varied community priorities well!
HFA is a family-centered, strengths-based model that stresses caring interactions between the parent and child are key to positive growth and development. Services for eligible families are available from before baby is even born to help create the best nurturing environment in which healthy, happy babies thrive.
By declaring Nebraska as “an HFA State," N-MIECHV Leadership is able to provide targeted technical assistance, on-going support in fidelity, and opportunities for training. In fact, N-MIECHV offers an HFA Orientation training for all new home visiting staff. This introduces the model, gives a foundation of understanding before the home visitor attends the intense training sessions required by HFA, increasing both comprehension and retention.
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