State law gives the public the opportunity to advise the Division in service planning. This page lists the advisory groups of the Division of Behavioral Health, their purposes and membership makeups. Viewers will find a link to pages containing more information about each of the groups and links to current year meeting agendas and summaries.
On occasion, the Division will seek public input for state plans. This page will list documents and timelines for review.
Joint Advisory Committee Meeting
Next meeting: Thursday, May 1, 2025
Public Posting
State Advisory Committee on Mental Health Services
Purpose: Required by legislation, this body advises the Division on mental health service system strengths and opportunities.
Membership: Membership is open to members of the public who have lived experience and to representatives of a wide variety of organizations.
Meeting information: Meets three times per year.
State Advisory Committee on Substance Abuse Services
Purpose: Established in law to advise the Division on the substance abuse service system strength and opportunities.
Membership: Twelve members, with over 50 percent of members having lived experience.
Meeting information: Meets three times per year.
Office of Consumer Affairs Peoples' Council
Purpose: Meets to provide state and regional leadership, while utilizing personal lived experience to advocate for systems transformation as well as identify and advocate for a recovery-oriented System of Care.
Membership: Persons with lived experience.
Meeting information: Meets three times per year.
Meeting minutes
Prevention Advisory Council
Purpose: Advises Division on activities to promote mental health wellness and substance use disorder prevention.
Membership: A broad cross-representation of prevention agencies and public and state agencies involved with prevention.
Meeting information: Meets three times per year.
Meeting summaries
State Epidemiology Outcomes Workgroup
Purpose: Brings together a broad range of experts who report data specific to mental health and substance use disorders. The workgroup identifies trends and suggests services to fill those gaps. This workgroup reports to the Prevention Advisory Council.
Membership: Mental health and substance use disorder prevention professionals and those in related disciplines.
Meeting information: Meets three times per year.
Meeting summaries
Nebraska Integrated (Behavioral Health and Primary) Health Care Taskforce
Purpose: Developed in response to requirement of a SAMHSA grant, the Taskforce meets to provides advice and guidance to support development and sustainability of integrative health care throughout Nebraska.
Membership: A broad range of professionals involved in behavioral health, primary care, public health, and managed care organizations.
Meeting information: Meets quarterly.