
What would you like to do?

What you need to know

2016 Nebraska Worksite
Wellness Survey Report

How to Use the Toolkit

A Business Case for Wellness

Governor's Wellness Award

Worksite Wellness Councils

Additional Resources

"A Business Case for Worksite

FULL Toolkit
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How to Use the Toolkit

This Nebraska Worksite Wellness Toolkit is a easy-to-use guide for organizations to follow to effectively develop a comprehensive worksite wellness program. The Toolkit is available both in a document and online. Organizations are given detailed steps to follow to build or expand worksite wellness efforts. The website contains additional resources beyond the Toolkit document and connects business with up-to-date information to support their programs.

Here are some ideas of how businesses can use the Nebraska Worksite Wellness Toolkit: 
  • Print the entire document or each chapter and share it with wellness committee members.
  • Save the website as a “favorites tab” for easy access and to check regularly for additional resources.
  • Develop an action plan to create or enhance your organization’s worksite wellness efforts.
  • Review the case studies, quotes, active links and special considerations in each chapter to gain more information.
  • Seek additional assistance from the Wellness Council experts from WorkWell, WELCOM, and the Panhandle Worksite Wellness Council.
  • Document activities by using the checklists made available at the end of each chapter or on the website.
  • Share successes with other businesses who maybe beginning their wellness programming.

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Computer Keyboard and StethascopeA Business Case for Wellness

Since employees are an organization’s greatest asset, and much of the financial burden lands on the employers, it makes good business sense to strive to develop a worksite environment that supports a culture of wellness that will in turn help employees to stay or become healthy.

READA Business Case for Worksite Wellness


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AppleGovernor's Wellness Award

The Governor’s Award has been developed to begin the process of planting, growing and harvesting a quality worksite wellness program.  There are two levels to the Governor’s Award: The Sower Award and the Grower Award. The Sower Award identifies Nebraska businesses that are planting the seeds for wellness, and the Grower Award identifies Nebraska businesses that are changing health behaviors. National awards are available for those that choose to take their wellness program to a higher level.  Learn More

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Nebraska Worksite Wellness Councils

WorkWell Logo WorkWell

WorkWell is a Nebraska Worksite Wellness Council that is a division of the Nebraska Safety Council. Their purpose is to provide wellness expertise to promote a healthy and productive workforce for their member companies.


Welcom Logo Wellness Council of the Midlands (WELCOM)

The Wellness Council of the Midlands (WELCOM) is the Nebraska affiliate of the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA) which serves businesses throughout the Omaha-metro area.  Well Workplace Nebraska (WWPNE) represents organizations throughout the state.  Their mission is, "To lead employers to create a workplace culture of health and wellness.


Panhandle Worksite Welness Council Logo 

Panhandle Worksite Wellness Council

Panhandle Worksite Wellness Council is coordinated by Panhandle Public Health District in partnership with Scotts Bluff County Health Department.  The council's mission is to build employer capacity to create a culture of wellness for employees through environmental and policy changes by providing evidence-based training, resources, and ongoing health promotion initiatives.


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Additional Resources

  • Wellness Councils of America (WELCOA): WELCOA has helped to influence the face of workplace wellness in the U.S.:
  • The Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO): HERO is a national leader in the creation of Employee Health Management (EHM): Research, Education, Policy, Strategy, Leadership and Infrastructure: 
  • WellSteps: Provides employee wellness solutions including assessments, tools and resources to create a comprehensive worksite wellness program: 
  • CDC Workplace Health Promotion: This site is a toolkit for workplace health promotion and protection professionals. Use this site to learn about how to design, implement, and evaluate effective workplace health programs:

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Contact Us

Taking Steps to a Healthier Worksite!   Start - Build -  Assess - Plan - Implement - Evaluate     Taking Steps to a Healthier Worksite!

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