

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

Action Items

1. Create a mission statement

2. Construct a written wellness plan

3. Build a wellness budget

4. Draft a long-range plan
"Create a Wellness Plan"
“It’s easy to throw a wellness
program or initiative out and hope it
works. The key is that when we
plan a program, it considers all of
the different steps of the worksite
wellness model."
- Brian Neppl, Wellness Manager, Cabela’s

Create a Mission Statement

A hand with the words "Work Life Balance" written on the palm.To keep the wellness program on track, create a mission statement to guide planning efforts. Keep the mission statement short and simple, reflecting the focus of the wellness program in one to two sentences. Be sure to communicate the mission statement with employees. By reading the wellness program mission statement, employees should be able to understand the purpose of the program, as well as how program goals will be attained and how achievement of those goals will be confirmed. Mission statements should align with corporate strategy—or better yet—wellness should be an integral part of the overall corporate strategic plan.

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Construct a Written Wellness Plan

With essential forms of data having been collected, the task is now to develop an operating plan for health and wellness within the organization. This operating plan will serve as a roadmap and will guide the company’s efforts and investments in workplace wellness. 

READ Carefully Crafting an Operating Plan (WELCOA)

It is now appropriate to begin choosing and implementing the appropriate health and productivity interventions. These interventions will most likely include tobacco cessation, physical activity, weight management, self-care, and stress management.



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Build a Wellness Budget

When establishing a new wellness program, it is common to begin with a limited budget that may increase with proven success. If possible, try to develop the budget based on the objectives and employees’ needs so that the program can incorporate the elements that will make it successful. The budget should include items like printing, materials, HRAs, health screenings, staff time, release time for employee participation, incentives, and evaluation costs. An accurate, comprehensive budget will allow the wellness committee to weigh program costs against program outcomes during evaluation.

Draft a Long-Range Plan

It may be overwhelming if there are several areas that the wellness committee and/or the leadership would like to address through the program. Creating a long range plan based on outcome objectives will allow for the achievement of small successes while moving towards a larger goal. For many organizations, a long range plan will include transitioning the wellness program from a participation-based program where employees are rewarded for participating in wellness program events and attempting behavior change to an outcomes-based program where employees are rewarded for achieving behavior change and reducing their health risks.



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