Searching for biological relatives

Children and Family Services
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What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​If you were adopted in Nebraska and would like to search for your biological relatives, follow the steps below to request this search.

Step 1

Be born in Nebraska and meet state law requirements.

Step 2

Contact Vital Records at (402) 471-0918 or to obtain the "Request to Access Birth and Information Form. Complete the form and return to Vital Records via email or mail: 

Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services
Division of Public Health
Vital Records
P.O. Box 95065
Lincoln, NE 68509-5065

Step 3

​​Send a written, signed request to the Adoption Program Specialist along with the following information:
  1. A copy of the Vital Records response to your request for birth information.
  2. A letter signed and dated by you that contains the following information:
    • Adoptive name and Current Name
    • Current address and phone number
    • Social Security number
    • Date of birth
    • Names of adoptive parents
    • Date of adoption, if known
    • Other things you may know about your birth (e.g., names, addresses, hospitals, attorneys, agencies, friends, etc.)
    • What you want to find out
    • What personal information you want us to give to the unknown relative.
 Adoption Program Specialist
Phone Number
(402) 219-1952​
Mailing Address

PO Box 95026

301 Centennial Mall South,

Lincoln, Nebraska 68509

Step 4

Once DHHS completes the search, we will:

  • Notify you in writing of our efforts and findings.
  • Send written notification to the county court where the adoption took place of our findings.