Adoption Support

Children and Family Services
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What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​Adoption Assistance                                         

A child may qualify for adoption assistance when the following has been determined:

  • The child is a ward of the State of Nebraska
  • The child is a US citizen

and meets one of the following:

  • Age 8 or older at the time of adoption
  • A sibling set of three or more to be adopted into the same home at the same time
  • A diagnosed disability

Assistance paperwork must be completed prior to the date of adoption. Assistance could include monthly support for the child's daily needs, medical coverage, legal fees and other assistance. Adoption assistance may be available for guardians who are currently receiving a guardianship subsidy and decide to adopt that child.


What types of support are available?

Post-adoption and Post-guardianship support services in Nebraska are offered through Families Forever, Nebraska Children's Home Society. They provide help and support to families who have adopted a child (internationally, domestically, foster care or step-parent adoption) or entered into a guardianship. Below are the services offered: 

  1. One-on-one parenting and family support
  2. Community referrals to other services needed or identified by the family in their community
  3. Connections to mental health services
  4. Helping connect you with respite options
  5. Mentoring
  6. Support groups
  7. Training and classes

To learn more about Families Forever please call (844) 463-0009, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or visit

Support Contacts

  • If your adoption has not yet been finalized, please contact your current caseworker or the Division of Children and Family Services Central Office for questions.
 Adoption Program Specialist
Phone Number
(402) 219-1952​
Physical Address
301 Centennial Mall South,Lincoln, Nebraska 68509

  • If your adoption has been finalized, please contact the below DHHS staff for questions.
Income Maintenance Program Manager
Phone Number
(402) 471-9333
Mailing Address
301 Centennial Mall South,Lincoln, Nebraska 68509

Eastern Service Area
Phone Number
(402) 595-3275
Physical Address

1313 Farnam Street

Building 2

Omaha, Nebraska 68102

Southeast Service Area
Phone Number
(402) 471-5359
Physical Address

5220 South 16th Street

Lincoln, Nebraska 68512


Western, Central & Northern Service Area
Phone Number
(308) 850-4558
Physical Address

4011 7th Avenue, Suite A

Kearney, Nebraska 68845


View the Service Area Map to find your area.