EVV for Home Health Services

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What you need to know


In 2020, Nebraska Medicaid announced that PAS and HCBS providers were required to use the EVV system for their billing of EVV services as of January 2021. Recent audit findings show that providers have not complied with the regulations outlined in 471 NAC 15. Per the 21st Century Cures Act, all providers of Personal Care Services participating in the Medicaid program are required to use the EVV system. A provider bulletin outlining the findings and subsequent program changes is currently being worked on and will be shared shortly. As a reminder, Personal Care Services that are not billed through the EVV system will not be paid.​

Nebraska Medicaid began the phased implementation of EVV for home health services on January 1, 2024. Registration for home health providers opened on December 18, 2023.

Implementation Timeline(Estimated) Start Date
Self-Registration Opens
December 18, 2023
​Visit Capture Begins
​January 1, 2024
​Visit Capture Mandated
​April 1, 2024
​​Claims Mandated through Mobile Caregiver+
​April 1, 2024*

  • Home Health Services Include:
    • Home Health Aid Services
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Physical Therapy
    • Skilled Nursing Services
    • Speech Therapy

EVV will not be required for all services that a Home Health Agency may deliver.

EVV is not required for durable medical equipment and supplies.

Consistent with previous guidance, as of April 1, 2024, all providers will be required to capture their visits in the Netsmart Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system.

*DHHS is extending the requirement that claim submissions must also be submitted through the Netsmart EVV system to May 1, 2024. This is to allow all providers additional time to complete the implementation of their technical solutions. Please contact the Heritage Health managed care plans that you are enrolled with as a provider if you have any further questions.​​

If you have a question that is not on the FAQ or need additional assistance, you can contact Nebraska Medicaid via email at DHHS.EVVHomeHealth@nebraska.gov . ​


Townhall(Estimated) Start Date
Managed Care Organization Townhall 1
September 29, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. CT
Managed Care Organization Townhall 2
October 19, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. CT
Managed Care Organization Townhall 3
November 16, 2023, at 3:00 p.m. CT
Managed Care Organization Townhall 4
December 14, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. CT
​Managed Care Organization Townhall 5
​February 22, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. CT

More information on the scheduled meetings and informational events can be found on Netsmart's website at: https://mobilecaregiverplus.com/ne-mco-townhalls-and-townhalls/.​

Provider Training

Netsmart Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) online training webinar registration is available at Netsmart's website.  Providers can attend training as many times as they wish. Netsmart's webinar is also recorded, which gives providers 24/7 online access to watch training videos whenever needed. ​

Click here to register for an online training webinar

Independent Providers, please sign up for the training labeled “Nebraska DHHS Independent Providers."​

*DD waiver providers using Therap and agency providers who have third-party EVV vendors only need to attend the Claims console training. ​

​​Alternate EVV Vendor Requirements 

​​DHHS will require alternate EVV Vendors and providers using alternate EVV Vendors to comply with the following requirements:

  • Providers will be required to sign an attestation for DHHS saying their vendor is compliant; and
  • Vendors will be required to sign an attestation for Netsmart saying their system is compliant.

Additional information on alternate EVV Vendors can be found here​​


Learning Computer Skills and Basic Technology

Resource links are not created by Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Resource Developers, Service Coordinators, or Social Service Workers. DHHS staff do not provide computer literacy guidance and assistance to providers. Be sure to check your local community for other available resources regarding computer literacy training.

Netsmart Support Line
Phone Number
(833) 483-5587