EVV Provider Training

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What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​Online training webinar registration is available on Netsmart's website for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV). Providers can attend training as many times as they wish.​ Netsmart's webinar is also recorded, which gives providers 24/7 online access to watch training videos whenever needed. 

Click here to register for an online training webinar

*DD waiver providers using Therap and agency providers who have alternate EVV vendors only need to attend the Claims console training.​

If you have any questions, please email us at: DHHS.MedicaidFA-EVV@nebraska.gov


Learning Computer Skills and Basic Technology

Resource links are not created by Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Resource Developers, Service Coordinators, or Social Service Workers. DHHS staff do not provide computer literacy guidance and assistance to providers. Be sure to check your local community for other available resources regarding computer literacy training.