Medicaid is required by law to be the payer of last resort. The Third Party Liability (TPL) program focuses on recovering money from sources such as auto and property insurance and worker's compensation, as well as working with attorneys to resolve cash settlements in both personal injury and class action lawsuits.
I'm on Medicaid. Do I need to send TPL any information?
Please notify TPL if you are on Medicaid, and:
- Were involved in a motor vehicle accident;
- Were involved in a worker's compensation accident;
- Were involved in a medical malpractice lawsuit; or
- Had a personal injury where another party may be responsible for your medical bills (i.e. slip & fall, dog bite, foreign item in food, injured on another's property, etc.).
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, an
incident information form found below will need to be completed and sent to the contact information below.
If you are also enrolled in a Medicaid managed care plan (UnitedHealthcare Community Plan, Molina, or Nebraska Total Care), please notify your plan as well.
Client Information
Attorney and Insurance Adjuster Information
Please send any
payments to:
DHHS - Casualty Unit - TPL
P.O. Box 94906, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
Contact Us