Aging Advisory Committee

Developmental Disabilities

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​​​The Aging Advisory Committee was created through state statute (§ 68-1101 to 1105) to advise the State Unit on Aging. The Committee is made up of twelve Governor-appointed members. Each of the eight Area Agencies on Aging are represented. There are four at-large members. The appointment term is four years.

Advisory Committee members meet twice a year and occasionally visit senior centers and aging programs. Meeting dates and times can be found on the

Nebraska Public Meeting Calendar.


Committee Members

Kim Baumann
Northeast Nebraska Area Agency on Aging
​Shari Busch​Aging Partners, Lincoln Area Agency on Aging
​Colleen Claassen​At-Large Member: Lincoln
Charlotte Anne DorwartAging Office of Western Nebraska
​Danny DeLong​Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging
​Luana Duennerman​At-Large Member: Lincoln
​Frank Herzog​Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging
​Philip Lyons​West Central Nebraska Area Agency on Aging
Ira NathanAt-Large Member: Omaha
Alicia ToczekSouth Central Nebraska Area Agency on Aging
VacantAt-Large Member
VacantMidland Area Agency on Aging


State Unit on Aging
Developmental Disabilities / Department of Health & Human Services
Phone Number
(402) 471-2307
Fax Number
(402) 742-8388
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026