SNAP Next Step and Employment & Training(E&T)

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What you need to know

​​​​​​The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is working to get under-employed and unemployed clients on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) into jobs that pay a livable wage. Our purpose is to assist motivated individuals in improving their skills and helping them achieve the ultimate goal of self-sufficient employment based on each individual's needs. The information below discusses some of the key components of the program.

SNAP Employment & Training Flyer ​

Folleto de SNAP Empleo y​ Entrenamiento (Español)

SNAP E&T State Plan

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) Plan outlines the program to be administrated by the State of Nebraska. The plan complies with the Federal regulations for each Federal Fiscal year​.

State Plan Federal Fisca​l​ Year 2025​​​

​Initial Eligibility

Here are some of the main eligibility requirements to consider:

  • Participants must be currently receiving SNAP benefits but not enrolled in the Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) and the Employment First program.
  • Participants must live in or around one of the services areas below. SNAP Next Step E&T is currently expanding and new areas are being added
  • The household must have at least one work-eligible adult.​

Continuing Steps

Once enrolled in the program, clients will have the benefit of working with a Workforce Coordinator from DHHS or a Third Party Partner that is providing SNAP Next Step E&T services on behalf of the agency. In addition to assisting with improving employment, they are available to help with any questions or issues that arise with the SNAP case itself including, but not limited to, answering questions about benefits, explaining how new employment may affect their SNAP benefits and overall net gains, and more​.

Partnership with the Department of Labor(DOL)

SNAP Next Step Employment & Training (E&T) includes a partnership with DOL by co-enrolling participants in their Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). By co-enrolling, WIOA provides the participant additional support and services.

SNAP Next Step E&T Services offered include:

  • job search
  • preparing for an interview
  • updating a resume
  • occupational skills training
  • work experience or on-the-job training
  • Tuition assistance for short-term programs. 

In addition, supportive services can be used in some situations to help with items such as:

  • assistance with transportation
  • clothing for an interview
  • education materials 

By participating with the program between SNAP Next Step E&T, Third-Party Partners, and DOL, the goal is to attempt to help individuals workaround or eliminate barriers to help them find and accept employment.

SNAP Next Step Employment And Training Interest Form​

SNAP Next Step E&T by Area serviced.

Click the map to see providers in your area!​

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