What are replacement benefits?
Replacement SNAP or S-EBT benefits may be provided in cases in which food purchased with SNAP or S-EBT benefits were destroyed in a disaster affecting household(s). Examples of disasters that may have caused food to be destroyed include but are not limited to:
Eligible individuals or households must have lost food purchased with SNAP or S-EBT benefits due to a disaster or household misfortune.
Refrigerated food may be replaced if power has been out for four or more hours, while frozen food may be replaced if power has been out for 24 or more hours. Verification of the the disaster will be completed with the household's provider prior to replacing benefits.
Households must report the loss to iServe Nebraska Economic Assistance within 10 days of the power being restored.
To report the loss and request replacement benefits, the following options are available:
Request for SNAP Replacement
Request for Summer EBT (SEBT) Replacement