Reproductive Health

Lifespan Health
Public Health

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​​​​​​​​​​The Nebraska Reproductive Health Program supports education and preventative health practices that improve reproductive health outcomes, such as decreasing STDs/STIs, preventing unintended pregnancies, promoting appropriate birth spacing, and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. This is done in part by:

  • Educating providers to better meet the reproductive health needs of people of reproductive age, particularly adolescents, breastfeeding and pregnant women and disparate groups
  • Increasing access to STI/HIV testing and education
  • Supporting Family Planning clinics/providers
  • Providing reproductive health resources
  • Partnering with other programs and leveraging resources

The program receives grant funds under the Title V Maternal Child Health Block Grant and State funds under Public Health Screening. These funds support work in the areas of adolescent reproductive health, colposcopy training, and the purchase of colposcopy equipment.


Adolescent Reproductive Health

The purpose of the 2024 Title V Maternal Child Health (MCH) Block Grant sub-awards to current MCH Youth and Young Adult (Y&YA) sub-recipients is to continue the engagement of adolescents to increase their utilization of reproductive health services. The primary goal is to:

  • Decrease Sexually Transmitted Disease/Sexually Transmitted Infection (STD/STI) Prevalence and Incidence Rates among Adolescents

​Current ARH Sub-Recipients

Public Health Screening - Colposcopy Grant

Funds are made available to public health clinics to provide clinical training for staff and/or to purchase colposcopy equipment as a means to ensure seamless access to follow-up procedures after an abnormal Pap test. Visit the Grants and Contract Opportunities page for more information. 

Sexually Transmitted Disease and Virus Prevention

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs/STIs) are among some the most preventable types of infection. Abstinence is the most reliable way to avoid infection. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Hepatitis B vaccines exist, and can prevent disease. Tests can be done to detect abnormalities and disease. Contact your medical provider for additional information regarding vaccines, screening, and tests. To locate a provider in your area, visit GetTested.

HPV (Human Papillomavirus), is a common virus that can lead to 6 types of cancer later in life.  HPV is so common that almost all people will get at least one type of HPV at some time in their lives. You can get HPV by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. Most HPV infections (9 out of 10) go away on their own within two years, but certain types can cause cancer. Current recommendations encourage youth to get two doses of HPV vaccine at ages 11-12. The HPV vaccine is most effective if given before exposure.

Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B Virus (HBV). Hepatitis B is spread through sexual contact, sharing needles, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment, or from mother to baby during birth. Sometimes newly infected people have no symptoms. Symptoms include fatigue, poor appetite, stomach pain, nausea, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). For some it can become a long-term infection that can lead to life-threatening health problems like cirrhosis or liver cancer. Risk for chronic infection is related to the age at infection: about 90% of infants with HBV will develop chronic infection but only 2% - 6% of people who get Hepatitis B as adults become chronically infected. The best way to prevent hepatitis B is to get immunized.

Additional Infections
Vaginal candidiasis (yeast infection) and bacterial vaginosis (BV) can be mistaken for STDs/STIs and are two of the most common infections seen in women. Changes in the vagina or the overgrowth of certain bacteria can cause infection. Yeast infection and BV may present with symptoms or there may be no symptoms at all. Having BV can increase your chances of getting an STD.


Contraception also commonly referred to as birth control, can be used to prevent pregnancy. Many things need to be considered when choosing the best birth control method for you, including safety, effectiveness, availability, accessibility, and cost.  When choosing a method of contraception, protection from risk of HIV and other STDs should be considered. Schedule an appointment with a trusted medical provider if you have questions or you are interested in accessing birth control. Learn about different birth control methods. Contraception services are available at Nebraska Title X Clinics.​​

Contact Us

 Michaela Jennings, MA​
Program Manager, Adolescent Health & Reproductive Health Programs
Office Number
(402) 471-0538
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026

 Emily Rivera, MS
Community Health Educator, Sr.,​​​ Adolescent Health & Reproductive Health Programs​
Office Number
(402) 471-0159
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026
