Lifespan Health
Public Health
Women's Health Initiative (WHI) monitors the status of women's health in Nebraska and serves as a clearinghouse for women's health information, including maternal and child health, breast and cervical cancers, heart disease, chronic disease, behavioral health, substance abuse, intimate partner violence and health disparities. Additionally, the Women's Health Advisory Council (WHAC) was created for the purpose of advising and serving as a resource for WHI.

​​WHI was established in 2000 by the Nebraska Legislature to improve the health of women in Nebraska by fostering the development of a comprehens​ive system of coordinated policy analysis, strategic planning, education and technical assistance. SOURCE: Nebraska Revised St​atues §71-701 through §71-707.

Women's Health Initiative
Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services
Phone Number
(402) 471-0158
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026