Nebraska Summer EBT 2025

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Image of Summber EBT Card​​
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    About Summer EBT

    Eligible families will be able to receive money for select food items through the new United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (Summer EBT) program that started in 2024.

    DHHS estimates that 175,000 students or 80,000 households will be eligible to receive SEBT benefits.

    Eligible families will receive $40 per child per month, or a total of $120 per child, for the summer period of May 16 through August 31.

    The Office of Economic Assistance, will act as the coordinating agency for the implementation of the Summer EBT program. The Nebraska Department of Education will partner with DHHS to provide necessary student information to DHHS so that eligible children are identified and families are aware of the benefits and additional resources available to them.

    In addition to vendor-issued EBT cards, the program will have touchpoints incorporated to ensure that kids are safe. Supplemental features of the program include the following:

    • Educational outreach that will inform families about the types of nutritious foods that parents can purchase for their kids with Summer EBT cards.
    • Trained staff with DHHS will follow up personally to assess any other needs and determine what resources would be of benefit to families.
    • DHHS will send text messages to families, with a brief survey to help identify additional needs or resources. This also provides another connection to trained DHHS staff who can help families identify and navigate access to additional resources in their communities.

    Nebraska will also continue to participate in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), also funded through the USDA. Like Summer EBT, it also provides no-cost food to children, usually in centralized locations where kids get access to nutritious meals and snacks. The SFSP operates in nearly 300 locations across Nebraska. Children ages 1 through 18 years are eligible to receive meals at approved SFSP sites. No application or paperwork is required. Most sites begin providing meals during the first week of June. Text FOOD or COMIDA to 304-304 to receive information about SFSP sites in your zip code, or visit the SFSP website to enter your zip code.

    Read the full news release: Gov. Pillen Announces SEBT “Nebraska Solution"

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    Children are eligible at any time during the period of eligibility if they are:

    • School-aged and categorically eligible (eligible for ADC, SNAP or Medicaid, foster children);
    • Eligible to receive Free and Reduced Price Meals (FRPM); or
    • ​Complete a Summer EBT application and meet the eligibility criteria for the FRPM program


    Summer EBT benefits are available for eligible households based on their enrollment in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) or School Breakfast Program (SBP) and eligibility status for free or reduced-priced meals. This can be from direct certification, categorical eligibility, or from the School Meals and Summer EBT Applications.

    Who is eligible for Summer EBT?

    School-age, income-eligible children may receive Summer EBT benefits. This includes:

    1. School-age children who are participating in the following public assistance programs:
      1. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
      2. Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) 
      3. Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
      4. Medicaid with household income under 185% of the federal poverty level (FPL)
    2. School-age children who are eligible for free or reduced-priced meals based on the following:
      1. Participation in Head Start
      2. Homeless
      3. Foster Children
      4. Migrant Children
      5. Runaway Status
    3. School-age children who have already been approved for FRPM through filling out a school meals application
    4. School-age children enrolled in a school participating in NSLP/SBP, not already eligible, and determined income-eligible through a Summer EBT application

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    APPLY for Summer EBT

    The 2025 Summer EBT application is available at the link below.

    Please note: Fill out the Summer EBT application ONLY if the following apply to your family:

    • Your student(s) went to a school with the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) during the 2024-2025 school year, and your student(s) did not receive Free or Reduced-price meals, but you think you are eligible based on the program's income guidelines. See a list of NSLP schools.
      • This includes students attending a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school, where all students receive meals at no cost, and who are not receiving public assistance benefits. See a list of CEP schools​.
    • You did not apply for Free or Reduced-price meals at the school during the 2024-2025 school year, but you think you are eligible based on the program's income guidelines.
    • Your application for Free or Reduced-price meals was denied for being over income, but your household's income has decreased, and you think you are now eligible.
    • You are not homeschooling.

    Students who were approved for Free or Reduced-price meals during the 2024-2025 school year are eligible to receive 2025 Summer EBT benefits and do not need to complete an application. See the 2025 income guidelines here.

    ​​Summer EBT Card Activation

    ​​Before the Summer EBT card can be used, it will need to be activated and a PIN established. 

    • ​Call the phone number on the back of the card (877-247-6328).
    • When prompted for the primary cardholder's date of birth, enter the 8-digit date of birth for the oldest child in the household. (If the oldest child does not work, use the next child's date of birth.)
    • When prompted for the primary cardholder's zip code, enter the zip code of the address where the card was mailed.
    • Select a four-digit PIN.

    ​Summer EBT Benefit Use​

    Families can use Summer EBT benefits for 122 days or four months. The 122-day count begins the day after the benefits are issued. Please review the information below to locate the date your Summer EBT benefits were issued and the last date you can use those benefits.

    Summer EBT benefits not used by the expunged date are removed from the account and returned to the USDA, as required. Once the benefits are removed from the Summer EBT account, they cannot be used, replaced, or reissued.

    Call 1-800-383-4278 and select option 5 or email for assistance.

    Summer EBT Expungement Dates:

    Summer EBT Issuance DateLast Date to use benefitsExpunged date
    1/25/2025 ​

    Opt-Out of Summer EBT​​

    If you do not want to receive Summer EBT benefits, please fill out and submit the Opt-Out form in the highlight box below. Opting out means you will not get 2025 Summer EBT benefits.

    This is not an application for Summer EBT benefits. Fill out this form ONLY if your student received Free or Reduced-price meals in the 2024-2025 school year and you do not want them to receive 2025 Summer EBT benefits.


    If your child(ren) qualifies for Free or Reduced-price meals during the 2023-2024 school year,
     Do Not complete this form if you want Summer EBT benefits. Your child(rens) school will provide eligible student information for Summer EBT benefits. 


    ​Frequently Asked Questions

    View the FAQ document.​

    Nutritional Information & Other Food Resources​

    Summer EBT provides $40/month for SNAP-eligible children when schools are closed for the summer.

    Find Approved Retailers

    Find Nutritious Recipes​

    Food Banks/Pantries:

    The Food Bank for the Heartland and the Food Bank of Lincoln are Nebraska's two largest food banks and cover most of the state. Food banks and pantries are good sources of supplemental food items.

    Summer Food Service Program (SFSP):

    The SFSP provides no-cost meals to children ages 1-18 at nearly 300 approved locations across Nebraska. No application or paperwork is required. Most sites begin providing meals during the first week of June.

    Text FOOD or COMIDA to 304-304 to receive information about SFSP sites in your zip code.


    Farmers Market:

    Find a Farmers Market/Produce

    Double Up Nebraska:

    Double Up matches fruit and vegetable purchases dollar for dollar, up to $20 a day.


    Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC):

    WIC is a nutrition program for pregnant, breastfeeding women and families with children younger than five. WIC helps eligible families with healthy food, breastfeeding support, nutrition education, and other health and community resources.

    Website  ​

    Heathly Foods:

    Choose Healthy Here provides information for families to locate stores selling healthy foods and information on how to choose healthy foods.


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    Useful Links

    Economic Assistance Benefit Programs

    Economic Assistance programs promote well-being and provide support to achieve self-sufficiency for families, children, individuals, the elderly, and persons with disabilities by providing medical, nutritional, and financial services. Economic Assistance Benefit Programs include:

    • Aid to Dependent Children (ADC)
    • Aid to Aged, Blind, or Disabled (AABD)
    • Child Care Subsidy (CC)
    • Emergency Cash Assistance (EA)
    • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
    • Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP)
    • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
    • Social Services for Aged and Disabled (SSAD)

    Get more information and apply for benefits.


    Medicaid coverage may be extended to those who meet the income and resource eligibility requirements and are:

    • 65 years of age or older;
    • An individual under 65 years of age who has a disability or is visually impaired according to Social Security guidelines;
    • An individual 18 years of age or younger;
    • An adult aged 19 to 64;
    • A pregnant woman;
    • A parent or caretaker; or
    • A former foster care youth.

    Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is a medical coverage program for children who do not qualify for Medicaid.


    Federal Marketplace:

    The Federal Marketplace assists clients who do not qualify for Medicaid with obtaining private insurance coverage.


    Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program (NHAP):

    NHAP provides funds to community agencies to address the needs of people who are homeless or nearly homeless. NHAP activities include street outreach, emergency shelter, homeless prevention, and rapid rehousing.


    Nebraska Family Helpline:

    The Nebraska Family Helpline makes it easier for families to obtain assistance by providing a single contact point 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Trained Helpline operators screen calls to assess immediate safety needs, identify the potential level of a behavioral health crisis, make recommendations or referrals to appropriate resources, and help callers connect to emergency resources or providers.

    Hotline: (888) 866-8660


    211 is a one-stop source of information for people in need of assistance. 211 is a single point of contact for thousands of health and human service programs, community services, disaster services, and governmental programs.

    Call 2-1-1 or text your zip code to 898211.

    Find Help

    A free search tool to connect people in need and the programs that serve them.


    Behavioral Health Resources

    Additional Behavioral Health resources and services can be located by region or zip code. 


    Suicide and Crisis Lifeline:

    Call 988 to speak with a trained professional.

    Rural Response Hotline:

    The Rural Response Hotline helps strengthen rural communities in Nebraska by providing valuable information and resources in times of crisis. The hotline can help with financial assistance, legal assistance, disaster relief, and emotional support.

    Call (800) 464-0258

    Community Action Agencies

    Community Action Agencies create, coordinate, and deliver programs and services to low-income families in all 93 counties of Nebraska.

    Community Action of Nebraska

    Find your local Community Action Agency

    Community Support Specialist (CSS) Team

    The CSS team provides outreach, connections, support, and resources for families, community agencies, and stakeholders. They serve as a single point of contact for community agencies with questions regarding programs, policy, and area resources. The team can provide training to community agency staff which allows that staff to better advocate for clients in common. Additionally, they attend many community events to provide information and assistance.

    Community Support Specialist Contacts

    Central Navigators

    Central Navigation is designed to assure families have access to needed supports and services in an effective and timely manner through collaborative partnerships and community based services and supports.


    Community Collaboratives:

    Community Collaboratives provide support in building well-being for families. They partner with families to develop a plan to achieve their goals. Community Collaboratives are available in multiple counties throughout Nebraska.


    Legal Services:

    Legal Aid of Nebraska provides free civil legal assistance to low-income Nebraskans.

    Website  AccessLine: (877) 250-2016

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