Who is required to submit reports?
Providers, clinics, critical access hospitals, hospitals, any facility/place experiencing an outbreak.
What to Report
What is Reportable Conditions Reporting?
Communicable disease and other conditions may pose a threat to the public health. Healthcare providers, hospitals, and laboratories must report these as required by the Nebraska Administrative Code (NAC). Chapter 1 of Control of Communicable Diseases Regulations in the NAC sets the requirements to report diseases, poisonings, organisms, and events.
How to Report
Reporting is done by telephone, facsimile, other secure electronic mail system, or automated reporting systems such as those below. For more details regarding what & how to report, see the Reportable Diseases Regulations (173 NAC 1).
Electronic Laboratory Reporting
Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) is the electronic transmission of laboratory reports to public health for reportable diseases and conditions. Many facilities in Nebraska are required to report reportable diseases through automated ELR. Learn more about Electronic Laboratory Reporting.
Electronic Case Reporting
Electronic case reporting (eCR) is the automatic real time electronic data sharing of case report information between Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and public health authorities for disease tracking. Learn more about Electronic Case Reporting.
Reporting Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)
Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are infections people get while they are receiving health care for another condition. HAIs can happen in any health care facility, including hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, end-stage renal disease facilities, and long-term care facilities.
This form is used to report any HAI-related event or organism(s) to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. Upon your submission, one of the epidemiologists will contact you for further information within 24 hours. If you do not receive a call or email, please call (402) 471-7043 or (531) 530-7407.
Where to Report
Douglas County Health Dept
Attn: Epidemiology
1111 South 41st ST
Omaha, NE 68105
Phone: (402) 444-7214
Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Dept
Attn: Communicable Diseases
3131 O ST
Lincoln, NE 68510-1514
Phone: (402) 441-8053, Fax: (402) 441-6205
Nebraska DHHS Division of Public Health
Office of Epidemiology
PO Box 95026
Lincoln, NE 68509-5026
Phone: (402) 471-2937, Fax: (402) 471-3601
Additional Resources
Healthcare Provider Guidance Documents
Reportable Disease Forms