Notices and Issue Summaries

Environmental Health
Public Health

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) publishes notices to provide information regarding safety, safeguards and environmental issues. The notices bring significant, recently-identified safety, security, or environmental information to the attention of licensees. NRC expects licensees to review the information for applicability to their facilities and consider appropriate actions to avoid similar problems.

Regulatory issue summaries (a new product) are used to (1) document NRC endorsement of the resolution of issues addressed by industry-sponsored initiatives, (2) solicit voluntary licensee participation in staff-sponsored pilot programs, (3) inform licensee of opportunities for regulatory relief, (4) announce staff technical or policy positions not previously communicated to industry or not broadly understood, and (5) address matters previously reserved for administrative letters.

These Notices and Summaries can be accessed at the NRC Generic Communications site. 

Information Notices

Not​ice Date
Information Notice Number
Affected LicenseesMail Date
​Recent Medical Events Involving Administration of Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals
​Medical Licensees
​​Discontinuation of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Recognition of the American Board of Radiology Certification Processes
​Medical Licensees
Reporting When a Fixed Gauge Shutter is Stuck in the Open Position​
​Fixed Gauge Licensees
​​Notification of Revised Regulations - 180 NAC 5, 7, 14, 18, 19
​Licensees Subject to 180 NAC 5, 7, 14, 18, 19


Notification of Revised Regulations - 180 NAC 13, 24
​​Licensees Subject to 180 NAC 13 & 24
Regulation Promulgation Public Hearing Notice
​Licensees Subject to 180 NAC 18
​Regulation Promulgation Public Hearing Notice
​Licensees Subject to
​180 NAC 5, 7, 14, & 19
Regulation Promulgation Public Hearing Notice
​Licensees Subject to
180 NAC 13 & 24
​​Registrant Notice: FDA Form 2579
​X-Ray Facilities and Service Providers
Advance Notification of Fee Change Regarding Submittal of Fingerprint Cards
​​Licensees Who Submit Criminal History Fingerprint Cards for Processing
Recent Issu​es Associated with Monitoring Occupational Exposure to Radiation from Licensed and Unlicensed Radiation Sources
​Medical Licensees
Situational Awareness - National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin
​Licensees Subject to 180 NAC 24
​Address Change for Fingerprint Card
​Licensees Who Submit Criminal History Fingerprint Cards for Processing ​
Address Change for Fingerprint Card​
​Licensees Who Submit Criminal History Fingerprint Cards for Processing​
​Guidance: COVID-19
​Licensees Subject to 180 NAC

Recent ​Reported Medical 
Events Involving the Administration of Yttrium- 90 Microspheres for 
Therapeutic Medical Procedures

Medical Licensees possessing Y-90 microspheres permitted by 180 NAC 7-085
Strontium-82/Rubidium-82 Generator Elution Events and Issues
​Medical licensees possessing Strontium-82/Rubidium-82 Generators
Notification of Issuance of Yttrium-90 Microsphere Brachytherapy Licensing Guidance, Revision 10
​Medical Licensees possessing Yttrium-90 permitted by 180 NAC 7-085


Public Hearing Notices​​​
​Licensees Subject to 180 NAC

Methods to Prevent Medical Events
​Medical Use Licensees

​Patient Skin Contamination Events Associated with I-131 Metaiodobenzylguanidine During Neuroblastoma Treatments
​Medical Use Licensees (I-131)

Potential Over-Pressurization of high Specific-Activity Alpha-Emitting Radioactivity Sources
​Broad Scope and Academic Licensees
Effective Cyber Security Practices To Protect Digital Assets of Byproduct Materials Licensees
​Nebraska Licensees Subject to 180 NAC 24
Guidance for reporting transactions to the National Source Tracking System involving sealed bulk material
​Licensees Required to Report Transfers to the National Source Tracking System​07/23/2019


Fingerprint Card Results Process Improvement
​Nebraska Licensees Subject to 180 NAC 24
Notification of Address Change Regarding Submittal of Fingerprint Cards
​Nebraska Licensees Subject to 180 NAC 24
NRC Regulatory Issue Summary
​Nebraska Licensees Subject to 180 NAC 24

NRC Policy on Use of Combination Dosimetry Devices During Industrial Radiographic Operations
Industrial Radiography Licensees​​11/15/2017​

Notification of Fee Change Regarding Submittal of Fingerprint Cards
​Nebraska Radioactive Material Licensees
Best Practice Concepts for Patient Release
​All medical use licensees and NRC master materials licensees
2016 CRCPD - SCATR Disused Source Collection and Disposal Opportunity
​Nebraska Radioactive Material Licensees
Damage of Industrial Radiographic Equipment Due To Falling Equipment and Improper Mounting​
Industrial Radiography Licensees05/09/2014
Importance of Verification of Treatment Parameters For High Dose-Rate Remote Afterloader AdministrationsRemote Afterloader Unit (HDR) Licensees
Recent Radiography Events Resulting in Exposures Exceeding Regulatory Limits​Industrial Radiography Licensees01/14/2013
Reporting Requirements for Heat and Smoke Detector Failures in 10 CFR Part 36 IrradiatorsIrradiator Licensees05/05/2011
Fixed Gauge Shutter Failures Due to Operating in Harsh Working EnvironmentsFixed Gauge Licensees06/14//2011
Specific license Required when Exporting to Embargoed Destinations Listed in 10 CFR 110.28Radioactive Material Licensees04/27/2011
NRC Policy on Release of Iodine-131 Therapy Patients Under 10 CFR 35.75 to Locations Other than Private ResidencesRadioactive Material Licensees with Iodine 131 Permitted by 180 NAC 7-048​08/20/2009
Reporting Requirements for Industrial Radiography
​Industrial Radiography Licensees
DHHS Radioactive Materials Program Information Notice: Performance of Required Shutter Checks and Reporting of Gauge Shutter Failures
​All DHHS Radioactive Material Program specific and general fixed gauge materials licensees​

Reportable Medical Events Involving Treatment Delivery Errors caused by Confusion of Units for the Specification of Brachytherapy SourcesBrachytherapy Radioactive Material Licensees11/17/2009
Exemption from 180 NAC 3 and 180 NAC 7 Requirements on Procurement and Transfer of Technetium-99m, and Calibration of Instrumentation using Technetium-99m
​All medical use licensees under 180 NAC 7 and nuclear pharmacies
Molybdenum-99 Breakthrough in Molybdeum-99M Generators​Molybdenum-99/Technetium-99M Generators
Yttrium-90 Therapsheres® and Sirspheres® ImpuritiesLicensees Authorized to Use Yttrium-90 Theraspheres® and Sirspheres® Impurities03/28/07
Exercising Due Diligence When transferring Radioactive MaterialsRadioactive Material Licensees08/07/06
Recent Safety-Related Event at Panoramic Wet-Source Storage Irradiator​
Heightened Awareness for Patients Containing Detectable Amounts of Radiation from Medical AdministrationNuclear Medicine/ Brachytherapy
High Dose Rate Remote Afterloader Equipment FailureNuclear Medicine/HDR's12/17/03
​2002-23, supplement 1
​Unauthorized Administration of Byproduct Material for Medical Use
​Medical  Use Radioactive Material Licensees

Intravascular Brachytherapy MisadministrationNuclear Medicine/ Brachytherapy6/19/2002
Thefts of Portable GaugesPortable Gauge7/24/2001
Potential Hazards Due to Volatilization of RadionuclidesNuclear Pharmacy11/20/2000
Recent Events Resulting in Whole Body Exposures Exceeding Regulatory LimitsRadiography11/20/2000
Recent Events Resulting in Extremity Exposures Exceeding Regulatory LimitsNuclear Pharmacy8/28/2000
Recent Medical Misadministration Resulting From Inattention to DetailNuclear Medicine/ Brachytherapy6/8/2000
Safety Concerns Related to Repeated Control Unit Failures of the Nucletron Class Model High-Dose-Rate Remote Afterloading Brachytherapy DevicesNuclear Medicine/ Brachytherapy8/12/1999
Problems Encountered When Manually Editing Treatment Data on the Nucletron Microslectron-HDR (New) Model 105.999Nucletron Microslectron-HDR Licensees4/29/1999
Effect of the Year 2000 Computer Problem on NRC   Licensees and Certificate HoldersSpecific Licensee and Reciprocity Licensees1/29/1999
Recent Failures of Control Cables Used on 660 Posilock Radiography SystemsIndustrial Radiography1/29/1999
Potential For Erroneous Calibration, Dose Rate, or Radiation Exposure Measurements with Certain Victoreen Model 530 and 530SI electrometer/DosimetersX-ray accelerator, Broad, Nuclear Medicine/Brachytherapy, Teletherapy1/29/1999

Issue Summaries & NRC News

Regulatory Issue Summary NumberTitleAffected LicenseesMail Date​

National Source Tracking System Long-Term Storage IndicatorLicensee Required to Report Transfers to the National Source Tracking system06/20/2014
Radiation Safety Officers for Medical Use Licenses Under 10 CFR Part 35All medical use licensees under 180 NAC 7 04/27/2011
2​008-17Voluntary Security Enhancements for Self-Contained Irradiators Containing Cesium Chloride SourcesSelf-Contained Irradiator  Licensees07/29/08
2008-11Precautions to Protect Children Who May Come in Contact With Patients Released After Therapeutic Administration of Iodine-131Nuclear Medicine Licensees06/17/07
NRC Updates Guidance to Licensees for Extended Storage of Low-Level Radioactive WasteRadioactive  Material Licensees06/19/07