Every Woman Matters offers free or reduced cost Healthy Behavior Support Services to help clients reach their weight, fitness, and nutrition goals. Healthy Behavior Support Services may include the following:
Health Coaching - clients can be connected to a health coach that is located in their area and a part of a Community Health Hub. Health coaches help support clients and connect them to Healthy Behavior Support Services. More information can be found in the Health Coaching Flyer.
Health Coaches for Hypertension Program - small group program that helps people with high blood pressure manage their condition through lifestyle changes that include: nutrition, physical activity, stress management, tobacco cessarion, and medication management.
National Diabetes Prevention Program - 16-session program that helps people reduce their risk for type 2 diabetes and improve there overall health. Sessions are taught by trained lifestyle coaches. More information can be found at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Diabetes Prevention Program website.
Living Well - 6 session workshop that helps people who have on-going health conditions learn real-life skills for living a full, healthy life. Workshops are interactive with 8-15 individuals who share experiences and provide support to each other. More information can be found in the Living Well Flyer.
Tobacco Cessation - Tobacco Free Nebraska has resources available to help your clients quit tobacco use. More information can be found by going to the Tobacco Free Nebraska website.