Every Woman Matters Diagnostic Program

Lifespan Health
Public Health

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What you need to know

​What is the Every Woman Matters (EWM) Diagnostic Program? 

Diagnostic means there may be a problem (such as a breast lump or an abnormal Pap test) that needs to be diagnosed or followed up on. The EWM Diagnostic Program can pay for the following services for women who are eligible in order to diagnose breast or cervical cancer:

Breast Diagnostic Services:
• Breast ultrasound
• Diagnostic mammograms
• Surgical consultations
• Breast biopsies

Cervical Diagnostic Services:
• Colposcopies
• Consultations

How do I qualify and enroll in the EWM Diagnostic Program?

EWM Diagnostic Program Qualifying Criteria
Gender:Females Only
Age:18-64 years old to qualify for Breast Diagnostic Services
21-64 years old to qualify for Cervical Diagnostic Services
Income:Must meet Income Guidelines
Citizenship:Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident*
*must provide front/back copy of Permanent Residency card
Health Status:Must need services to diagnose breast or cervical cancer

If you are a woman that has had a breast problem (ages 18-64) or cervical problem (ages 21-64) and needs to be seen by a doctor right away, you may enroll by: 

BREAST:  Can be enrolled as a Diagnostic client at the provider's office for Diagnostic work up for breast issues such as a breast lump or an abnormal screening mammogram.  PROVIDERS:  Please use the Breast Diagnostic Enrollment Follow Up & Treatment Form (BDIA)  

CERVICAL:  Can be enrolled as a Diagnostic client at the provider's office for Diagnostic work up for an abnormal Pap test. PROVIDERS: Please use the Cervical Diagnostic Enrollment Follow Up & Treatment Form (CDIA)

Common questions and answers

How much money can I make and qualify for the program?

In order to qualify, your income must be below a certain level.  See the Income Guidelines.

Can I enroll in the EWM Diagnostic Program if I have insurance?

Yes.  If you have insurance, you may qualify to get Diagnostic services (testing to diagnose breast or cervical cancer if having problems).  
For example, if you have health insurance, you are not eligible for a screening mammogram.  However, if you had an abnormal screening mammogram and you are ages 40-6​4 and need further testing (such as a breast ultrasound or Diagnostic mammogram) and your health insurance is not sufficient, you may enroll in the EWM Diagnostic Program as it may cover costs that your insurance won't pick up. 
See table above on how to enroll.  You must enroll through one of our ​contracted providers.

Do I need to be a U.S. Citizen to qualify?

You either need to be a US Citizen OR a permanent resident.  If you are a permanent resident, we will need a copy of your residency card to verify your eligibility. 
If you are not a citizen or qualified resident, the program cannot provide services.  However, you can check with your doctor's office or call the Susan G. Komen Foundation for help at (877) 465-6636.

How do I enroll in the EWM Diagnostic Program?

See the table above for more information.

  • You must go through one of our contracted providers.  Call your doctor's office and ask if they are an EWM provider, or check out the contracted providers list.                        
  • Enroll at the EWM provider office

Can men enroll in the EWM Diagnostic Program?

No, but they can enroll in the Nebraska Colon Cancer Screening Program if they are ages 45 and over.  ​

Can I enroll in the EWM Diagnostic Program to get help for other health or gynecological problems?

No.  EWM Diagnostic Program only has funds for Diagnostic services (see table above) for breast and cervical cancer.  We cannot help with other problems such as post-menopausal bleeding, fibroids, or ovarian or uterine (endometrial) cancer. 

What if I get diagnosed with breast cancer or cervical cancer while enrolled in the EWM Diagnostic Program?

You may be eligible for Nebraska Medicaid to pay for your cancer treatment through a special program called the Women's Cancer Program.  Only those with no other health insurance are eligible.  EWM nurses will contact you to assist with this process.