Council Subawards

Community and Rural Health Planning
Public Health

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What you need to know

​​Subaward Funding*


RFA #6640 - Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities Formal Subaward Targeted Disparity

This is to notify you of a Subaward opportunity currently listed on the DHHS website: Grant Funding Opportunities. We hope you'll take a moment to review this opportunity and submit an application.

  • DHHS, Division of Public Health, Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCDD or Council) is issuing this Request for Applications (RFA) for the purpose of educating non-English speaking individuals with I/DD and their families, in the Hispanic/Latino community who live in the Omaha metro and/or Lexington area(s), about important and emerging disability related issues, services, and supports available.
  • Application Due Date:  July 15, 2024.

Questions regarding information need for an application, as well as the meaning or interpretation of any RFA provision, must be submitted in writing to via email and clearly marked “RFA Number 6640 Questions".

The last day to submit written questions is June 12, 2024.​

RFA #6628 - Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities Opportunity Awards 2024

This is to notify you of a Subaward opportunity currently listed on DHHS website: Grant Funding Opportunities. We hope you'll take a moment to review this opportunity and submit an application.

  • DHHS, Division of Public Health, Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities (NCDD or Council) is issuing this Request for Applications (RFA) for the purpose of improving the lives for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and/or family and community members.
  • Application Due Date:  July 15, 2024.

Questions regarding information need for an application, as well as the meaning or interpretation of any RFA provision, must be submitted in writing to via email and clearly marked “RFA Number 6628 Questions".

The last day to submit written questions is June 12, 2024.​

The Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities awards federal funds in the form of subawards to subrecipients who promote the goals and objectives outlined in the Council's five-year state plan​​. Eligible entities include local governments, Indian tribes, institutions of higher education, and nonprofit organizations. Individuals and for-profit entities may not apply for subaward funding. 

Requests for Applications for Opportunity Sub​​awards and Formal Subawards are released in June for projects to begin in October.

  • The Council sets aside $80,000 annually for Opportunity Subawards. These awards can focus on any of the five-year state plan goals and may be renewed for an additional one (1) year period, subject to DHHS' discretion.
  • Formal Subawards range in funding from $30,000 to $6​0,000. Formal Subawards are responses to RFAs related to specific five-year state plan goals. Some formal subawards may extend beyond one year.

*The Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $526,120 with 100% funding by ACL/HHS. Grantees undertaking projects with government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusion. Points of view or opinions do n​​​ot, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.​​

View Current Subaward Recipients​ ​


     Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities 
     Department of Health & Human Services
    Phone Number
    (402) 471-2330
    Telecommunications for the Deaf
    (800) 833-7352 
    Mailing Address
    P.O. Box 95026, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-5026