The Along the Way series of guides was created to provide information for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and others. Updates to the guides include verified website links, contact information, and phone numbers; reformatting for improved readability; and additional, new resources. Feel free to share the link to the guides or print these resources for your own use or for further distribution. For quantity distribution, contact the Council office at 402-471-2330 as printed copies may be available.
If you would like to provide feedback or share how these guides have helped you, please send us an email at
The Council contracted with national subject matter expert Dr. Lisa Mills, to conduct a comprehensive study of supported employment outcomes and services for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The Council is pleased to share the report, Necessity or Luxury? Supporting Nebraskans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to Join the Workforce and Contribute to Nebraska's Economy, with our stakeholders and partners. The study was undertaken to identify strategic recommendations that the State of Nebraska and other key stakeholders can consider for implementation to improve employment opportunities and outcomes for Nebraskans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Dr. Mills also provided a Necessity or Luxury? Supporting Nebraskans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to Join the Workforce and Contribute to Nebraska's Economy Executive Summary.
On September 20, 2023, multiple agencies brought people together from across Nebraska to host a Supported Employment Summit. The overarching theme of the Summit was focused on: Working Together to Change the Way Nebraska Does Supported Employment. The primary goal of the Summit was to Increase Employment Opportunities and Outcomes for Nebraskans Who Can Benefit from Supported Employment. As a result of the Summit, Dr. Mills drafted a Nebraska Supported Employment Summit – Action Plan. Outlined within this document is the resulting Action Plan that highlights the key solutions and actions that were identified by participants, along with the key partners/organizations that are committed to the actions described.
"The Power of Inclusion" is a publication highlighting the importance of inclusion and integration in all facets of community life. The publication features some stories from Council members and partners who are demonstrating the power of inclusion.
The October 2020 Nebraska Needs Assessment Report was funded by the Council to provide guidance and input for the development of the Council's 2022-2026 State Plan Goals and Objectives.
Listed below are products and resources developed through subaward funding provided by the Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities. (All outside links open in a new browser window.)
Intellectual Disability and Dementia: A Caregiver's Resource Guide for Nebraskans
Lancaster County School Resource Officers Training Final Report 2020
Munroe-Meyer Institute Respite Task Force Final Report 2018
Juvenile Justice Cross-Disability Task Force Final Report 2020
Juvenile Justice Brain Injury and Cognitive Disability Task Force Final Report 2018
Autistic Women's Network girl's anthology "What Every Autistic Girl Wishes her Parents Knew"
Ready, Set, Go! is a web-based series of materials and resources to assist young adults with developmental disabilities in making decisions about supports as they move from high school to adult life.
"It's All About the Plan" e-learning course designed for people with disabilities and their families. Course modules are designed for four separate audiences to assist them in meaningfully participating in the process of planning for services. This includes educational services for students with disabilities and services for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The modules are self-paced and may be taken either individually or shown in group settings such as classrooms, advocacy groups, or trainings.
Family Supports Project Report 5-14
Use of Restraints and Psychoactive Medications Report 2012