DD Council 5 Year Plan

Community and Rural Health Planning
Public Health

What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​​​​​​​​​Fiscal​ Years 2022-2026​​​​​

The Nebraska Council selected the following goals as their priorities over the next five years. Priorities were determined with input from self-advocates, family members, and service providers.

Goal #1:  Employment 
By 2026, the Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities (DD) will collaborate with Nebraska DD Network Partners, state agencies, community programs, and other new and existing partners to provide resources and improve competitive, integrated, and meaningful opportunities for employment, including self-employment with competitive wages, for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) from diverse locations and identities.

    1. By 2026, increase partner collaborations, engagement, access, options, opportunities, and resources for competitive employment to increase the integrated workforce participation rate of Nebraskans with I/DD served by state systems.
    2. By 2026, increase awareness, understanding and positive opinions of the general public, employers, and diverse policymakers with regard to the capability of people with I/DD to be valued members of the state's workforce.​

Goal #2:  Informal and Formal Supports 
By 2026, increase and strengthen the knowledge of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families to promote and encourage informed decision making about their choices leading to improved quality of life, increased independence, productivity, and full inclusion in their communities

    1. By 2026, individuals with I/DD, their families, and professionals will have increased information and knowledge about waiver, non-waiver, natural supports, and person-centered planning principles as well as the Assistive Technology (AT) needed to strengthen supports in employment, education, recreation, behavior, etc.
    2. Annually partner with Nebraska communities and/or community-based organizations to educate English and non-English speaking individuals with I/DD and their families, in the Hispanic/Latino community who live in the Omaha metro and/or Lexington area(s), about important and emerging disability related issues, services, and supports available.

Goal #3:  Community Integration and Inclusion
By 2026, the capacity of communities and systems to fully include individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) will be increased so individuals will have opportunities for greater independence and integration. 

  1. By 2026, increase capacity of caregiver and direct support systems through enhanced training and improved access to information. As a result, individuals with I/DD are provided services and supports by professionals and caregivers who are knowledgeable​​​, trained, and supported.
  2. By 2026, increase the capacity of advocates and policy makers to address at least two emerging issues that impact individuals with I/DD and their families. Annually review and identify emerging issues/needs.
  3. By 2026, individuals with I/DD (especially those with co-occurring I/DD and mental health challenges and/or Alzheimer's and other dementia symptoms) and their families will have access to services, supports, and resources to receive services in both community and school settings that are the least restrictive and respect their rights. ​

Goal #4:  Advocacy and Self-Advocacy

Annually, the Council will collaborate with self-advocacy organizations, Nebraska Developmental Disabilities (DD) Network Partners, State Agencies, and other new and existing partners to implement and expand the tenets of self-determination, increase the ability and opportunity for individuals to advocate for themselves and others, and increase the number of individuals who meaningfully participate in policymaking and leadership roles.

  1. Annually, the DD Network and Nebraska DD Network Partners will support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to increase their leadership and participation in policymaking through active participation in statewide advisory committees, cross-disability workgroups, public policy advocacy, and cross-system dialogue.
  2. (Council staff) Annually collaborate amongst the Nebraska DD Network Partners (Disability Rights Nebraska, the University of Nebraska Medical Center Munroe-Meyer Institute - University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Services [UCEDD], and the Nebraska Council on Developmental Disabilities) to advocate for positive systems change impacting the lives and health of individuals with I/DD by: 
    1. ​Conducting monthly planning meetings to discuss trends, concerns, and challenges with a goal of system changes and improvements for Nebraskans with I/DD.
    2. Hosting training on a mutually selected emerging issue at the annual Nebraska DD Network Partners' Tri-Board Meeting.
    3. Continue leveraging joint advocacy efforts to strengthen and improve the newly developed Nebraska Olmstead Plan.
    4. Leveraging joint advocacy efforts to strengthen the Supported Decision Making Initiative.​
  3. Annually strengthen the statewide advocacy cross-disability organization​, People First of Nebraska, to increase self-advocate leadership development and participation through training by self-advocates so they can participate in cross-disability, culturally diverse organizations.
    1. ​Strengthen support for an increased number of self-advocates through leadership development and coalition participation by expanding efforts statewide to reach, educate, and engage younger self-advocates and their families in the self-determination movement.
    2. Increase opportunities for self-advocates who are leaders to train other self-advocates to become leaders and increase opportunities for participation in cross-disability, culturally diverse organizations. ​

2022-2026 Nebraska State Plan

The October 2020 Nebraska Needs Assessment Report was funded by the Council to provide guidance and input for the development of the Council's 2022-2026 State Plan Goals and Objectives.