Visitation and Child Support

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Economic Assistance
Children and Family Services
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What you need to know

​The Nebraska Child Support Program administers the Access and Visitation (AV) Grant Program funds received from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration of Children and Families, Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE). The AV Grant Program supports and assists non-custodial parents' with visitation of their children. Nebraska Child Support Enforcement distributes the grant funds to six nonprofit mediation centers located across the State of Nebraska.  The mediation centers provide assistance in mediating and developing visitation/parenting plan services to Nebraska families.    
The purpose of these grants is to fund programs that provide assistance to non-custodial parents wanting to increase visitation and become more involved in their children's lives. These programs may offer:

  • Mediation (both voluntary and mandatory)
  • Counseling
  • Parent education
  • Development of parenting plans
  • Visitation enforcement (including monitoring, supervised visitation and neutral drop-off sites).

For Additional Information:

Nebraska Mediation Centers

Federal Overview of Access & Visitation Program

Domestic Violence