Under federal and state law, you have the right to request a review of your child support order. If you have an open child support case, you may request a review of your child support order.
In the review, the income of both parties will be used to calculate the amount of support that should be paid according to the
Nebraska Child Support Guidelines. The amount could go up, down or stay the same. The review process may take up to six months.
Child Support can only consider the financial information available at the time of the review. There are certain factors that the court may consider when figuring out your child support amount that could change the final child support order. For example, the court may consider other children living with the parent paying support when figuring out the amount. In addition, finances may change between the time of the review and the court hearing that may increase or decrease the final amount of child support ordered.
You may also contact a private attorney to help you with the modification of your order.
If you do not have an open child support case with Child Support, you will need to apply for child support services along with requesting a review.
To apply for a review and modification:
Complete the online review and modification application
To request a paper application please submit a written request to:
Child Support Enforcement
R&M Unit
PO Box 94728
Lincoln, NE 68509-4728
To apply for Child Support services:
Complete the online child support application or contact the Nebraska Child Support Customer Service Center at (877) 631-9973, option 2, to request a paper application.
How to Change a Child Support Order in Other States