The non-custodial parent in a child support case is the person who does not usually live with the child but, along with the custodial parent, has a responsibility to provide financial and/or medical support.
Roles & responsibilities of the non-custodial parent
Non-custodial parents are responsible for:
- Paying child support and providing health insurance coverage or medical cash assistance as ordered by the court
- Responding to Child Support Enforcement's (CSE) requests for information
- Notifying CSE and the court of changes to their address, phone, email, employer, income or name
Things to know
- CSE does not represent the non-custodial or custodial parent. CSE represents the State of Nebraska.
- You should provide as much information as you can to CSE about your financial situation so that your support order can be set at a realistic amount.
- Unpaid child support doesn't go away when your child turns 19 or if you declare bankruptcy, go to jail or move to another state.
- There is no statute of limitations for the collection of past due support in Nebraska.
- If your child comes to live with you, your child support order does not automatically stop. A change of custody must be completed in court.
- If you hire a private attorney, CSE will discuss your case only with your attorney. Once you no longer have an attorney, CSE will speak with you again directly.
- CSE does not have the authority to monitor the way a custodial parent spends court-ordered child support.
- CSE cannot help parents with visitation or custody issues. You will need to contact a private attorney for help in these areas. See the access and visitation page for more information.