Veterinary Drug Distributor


What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A Veterinary Drug Distributor is any person or entity, other than a pharmacy, that engages in the distribution of veterinary legend drugs in the State of Nebraska.

​Distribution means the act of receiving orders, possessing, warehousing, and record keeping related to the sale and delivery of veterinary legend drugs. Distribution does not include:

  1. ​Intracompany sales of veterinary legend drugs, including any transaction or transfer between any division, subsidiary, or parent company and an affiliated or related company under common ownership or common control;
  2. The delivery of or the offer to deliver veterinary legend drugs by a common carrier solely in the usual course of business of transporting such drugs as a common carrier if the common carrier does not store, warehouse, or take legal ownership of such drugs

Veterinary legend drugs means a drug which under federal law is required, prior to being distributed, to be labeled with the following statement: “Caution: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian."

Veterinary drug distributors shall not:

  1. Operate from a place of residence
  2. Possess, sell, purchase, trade, or otherwise furnish controlled substances
  3. Possess, sell, purchase, trade, or otherwise furnish human legend drugs​​​


A license is issued only for the premises and person(s) named in the application and is not transferrable or assignable. Change of ownership or change of premises terminates the license. The owner(s) must apply for a new veterinary drug distributor license. 

A licensee must notify the Department when there is a change in the designated representative by submitting the required information regarding the new designated representative to the Department within five working days.

Applications, Requirements & Fees

Any person or entity that acts as a veterinary drug distributor in this state pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-8192 of the Act must obtain a veterinary drug distributor license from the Department.  A separate license must be obtained for each facility engaged in veterinary drug distribution.

Initial Licensure for a Veterinary Drug Distributor

A veterinary drug distributor applicant must: 

  1. Submit a written application​ to the Department containing the required information under Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 71-8913 and 71-8914 
  2. Submit documentation of passing an initial inspection​ performed by a Nebraska pharmacy inspector or by another state licensing agency. If the inspection is performed by a Nebraska pharmacy inspector, then the applicant is required to pay travel cost for the inspection pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §71-8920.​
  3. Submit the required fee of $500

All veterinary drug distributor licenses expire July 1st of each odd numbered year.

All application materials must be submitted to:
     DHHS-Division of Public Health
     Licensure Unit
     PO Box 94986
     Lincoln NE 68509-4986​

​Reinstatement & Renewal Information

Reinstatement After Disciplinary Action:​

A veterinary drug distributor license, when suspended for disciplinary action, will be suspended for a definite period of time to be fixed by the Director and may be reinstated upon the expiration of such period, payment of the current renewal fee and reinstatement fee after discipline​.

A veterinary drug distributor license, when revoked for disciplinary action, will be revoked permanently, except that at any time after the expiration of two years, a petition for reinstatement may be made.


Veterinary drug distributor licenses expire on July 1st of each odd-numbered year. 

Renewal Process: No later than May 15th of the year the license expires, pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-8917​, the Department will send a renewal notice by means of regular mail to each licensee at the licensee's current mailing address as noted in the records of the Department.

To renew, submit: 

  1. The completed renewal notice
  2. Proof of an acceptable inspection completed within the previous three years
  3. Documentation relating to misdemeanor or felony conviction(s) of the designated representative of the licensee or licensure revocation, suspension, limitation or disciplinary action of the licensee since initial licensure or since the last renewal (if applicable); and
  4. The renewal fee of $500

    The Department can refuse to renew a license pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-8917. 

    When any licensee fails to pay the renewal fee prior to the expiration date, the Department will refuse to renew the license until the renewal fee and a late fee are paid.

    Office of Medical & Specialized Health
    Department of Health & Human Services/Division of Public Health/Licensure Unit
    Phone Number
    (402) 471-2118

    Fax Number
    (402) 742-8355
    Mailing & Physical Addresses
    DHHS Licensure Unit
    PO Box 94986
    Lincoln NE 68509-4986​

    Nebraska State Office Building
    301 Centennial Mall South
    14th & M Streets  3rd Floor
    Lincoln NE 68508​

     Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed federal holidays.