Long Term Care Facilities - Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Facilities, Intermediate Care Facilities


What would you like to do?

What you need to know

​​​​​​​​​Skilled Nursing Facility means a facility where skilled nursing care, rehabilitation or related services are provided to residents of the facility.

Nursing Facility means a facility where nursing care or related services are provided to residents of the facility.

Intermediate Care Facility means a facility where shelter, food and nursing care or related services are provided to residents of the facility who do not require hospital or skilled nursing facility care.

Licensure allows an entity to operate a facility in the State of Nebraska.

Certification means: The facility is in compliance with federal requirements and is eligible to receive payment under the Medicare/Medicaid programs. The facility must have a license prior to being certified for Medicaid/Medicare programs.

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Applications, Requirements & Fees

An applicant for a Nursing Home license must meet the requirements in the Nursing Home Regulations and the Health Care Facility Act. See the Regulations and Statutes on this page.

Certificate of Need: New beds or relocation of beds to another facility must comply with the Certificate of Need Act.

An applicant must:

  • Submit a written application
  • Submit the required fee, and
  • Pass an on-site inspection, when required.



Renewal Process: Notice of renewal is sent to the facility no later than 30 days prior to the expiration date.  A renewal must include a renewal application and the required fee.


Title 175 Chapter 12​ Regulations Governing Licensure of Skilled Nursing Facilities, Nursing Facilities, Intermediate Care Facilities 12-004.10

The licensee must pay fees for licensure and services as listed below:

  1. Initial and renewal licensure fees:
    a. 1 to 50 Beds $1,550
    b. 51 to 100 Beds $1,750
    c. 101 or more Beds $1,950
  2. Duplicate license: $10
  3. Refunds for denied applications:
    a. If the Department did not perform an inspection, the license fee is refunded except for an administrative fee of $25.
    b. If the Department performed an inspection, the license fee is not refunded.

Certificate of Need

CON prohibits new nursing home and rehabilitation beds, with a few specific exceptions. If you want to create, increase, relocate, convert, or change ownership of beds, please email DHHS.LicensureUnit@nebraska.gov with a brief description of your proposed project.

Phone: (402) 471-2115
Fax: (402) 471-3577 

Change Notification

The Department must be notified in writing of the following changes:

  • Certification of Beds
    - Relocation: Requires a 30-day advance notice to the Department prior to the relocation.
    - Increases and decreases:
      • Can only occur on the first day of the facility's cost reporting quarter.
      • Written notice to the Department must be done 45 days in advance of the change.
      • Only two changes per cost reporting year.


Licensure Inspections:
To determine compliance with operational standards, the Department inspects the nursing home prior to and following licensure.

Types of inspections:

  • Initial
  • Compliance
  • Focused

Medicare/Medicaid Surveys:
To determine compliance with operational standards, the Department surveys nursing homes annually using the Long Term Care Survey Process. The following links provide information on this process:

CMS.gov - Nursing Homes
CMS HHS Long Term Care Series on YouTube

Results of inspections/surveys and other facility related information can be found at:

Spousal Impoverishment Program​

Health Care Facilities - Nursing Homes
Department of Health & Human Services/Division of Public Health/Licensure Unit 
Phone Number
(402) 471-3324
Fax Number
(402) 742-2398
Mailing & Physical Addresses

DHHS Licensure Unit
Attn: Nursing Homes

PO Box 94669

Lincoln NE 68509-4669


Nebraska State Office Building

301 Centennial Mall South

14th & M Streets, 3rd Floor

Lincoln NE 68508

Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed federal holidays.