Massage Therapy Establishment: A licensed place in which a massage therapist practices his or her profession of massage therapy. An establishment license must be obtained before opening.Mobile Massage Therapy Establishment: A self-contained, self-supporting, enclosed mobile unit licensed by the Department for providing massage therapy services.
Massage Therapy School: A licensed place where massage therapy training is provided.
Chiropractic Establishments are not required to have an establishment license; therefore, they must have a massage establishment license when massage services are offered.
Click here for Massage Therapist information.
Note: Please read the application instructions carefully. They provide more information on the requirements to obtain a license.
Requirements: Please see the regulations for massage therapy establishments on this web page.
- Employ a massage therapist(s) who holds an active license
- Have adequate space for providing massage therapy services
- Have restroom facilities
- Complete a self-evaluation inspection report showing compliance with the regulations
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Note: Please read the application instructions carefully. They provide more information on the requirements to obtain a license.
Please see the regulations for massage therapy schools on this web page.
- Physician: Have a Nebraska-licensed physician (current license to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathy) affiliated with the staff
- Employees: Employ at least one licensed massage therapist as an instructor
- Student Enrollment: Require a diploma from an accredited high school or its equivalent as a condition of student enrollment
- Course of Study: Have a continuous course of study and training of not less than 1,000 hours, distributed over a term of not less than nine months and consisting of the following subjects:
- 100 Hours of Anatomy
- 100 Hours of Health Service Management
- 100 Hours of Hydrotherapy
- 100 hours of Hygiene (health wellness) and Practical Demonstration
- 100 Hours of Massage
- 100 Hours of Pathology
- 100 Hours of Physiology; and
- The remaining 300 hours must be obtained in subject areas related to the clinical practice of massage therapy - Inspection: Have received a successful rating on the initial inspection
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Massage therapy establishment and school licenses expire on November 1 of odd years. Please see the regulations for establishments and schools.
Establishments and schools cannot reinstate a license that has expired. Submission and approval of a new, complete application is required before the business may operate.