Funeral Directing and Embalming

Professions & Occupations
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What would you like to do?

What you need to know

Funeral Director and Embalmer: Includes the counseling of families relating to conducting funeral services for dead human bodies for burial, disposition, or cremation or directing or supervising burial, disposition, or cremation of dead human bodies; and preparing a dead human body for burial or other final disposal.

Apprentice: Is completing a full 12-month apprenticeship (or 6-month split apprenticeship) under the supervision of a licensed funeral director and embalmer practicing in the State of Nebraska. The licensed funeral director and embalmer is responsible for all funeral assists and embalmings completed by the apprentice.


Click here for Funeral Establishments

Applications, Requirements & Fees

Credential Information for Military Spouses

Please read the application instructions carefully. They provide more information on the requirements to obtain a license. 

  • Preliminary Application Conviction Review​ - If you have a criminal conviction, you may submit an application to determine if your conviction(s) would disqualify you from obtaining a license. The fee is $100 for each license type for which you are requesting a review. ​


Funeral Directing and Embalming Applications:

License Requirements

Fee Information


National Examination: The national examination is administered through an accredited mortuary science college. 
Jurisprudence and Vital Statistics Examinations: To take these examinations, you must either be in an apprenticeship or have your license application approved via reciprocity and submit an examination registration application. The examinations are administered on set dates during the months of January, April, July and October.

Nebraska requires a score of 75 percent or above on each examination.

The written jurisprudence examination consists of 50 true and false/multiple choice questions. Questions will be developed from the following:

The Nebraska Vital Statistics Forms Examination requires completion of the following six forms:

  • Certificate of Death
  • Certificate of Fetal Death
  • Application of Disinterment Permit
  • Disinterment Permit
  • Permit for Transit or Cremation

Renewal Requirements, Continuing Education, and Reinstatement


Funeral Directors & Embalmers: License expiration is February 1 of even-numbered years.

To renew your license, you must:

  • Pay the renewal fee
  • Have completed at least 12 hours of approved continuing education earned within each renewal period
  • Take and pass the Jurisprudence Examination​ each renewal period within 24 months prior to the expiration date. See the regulations and statutes section of this webpage. 


Funeral Directors & Embalmers:

To reinstate your license from either inactive or expired status, you must:

  • Meet the continuing education requirement (12 hours) earned within the prior 24 months
  • Submit a complete reinstatement application and renewal and reinstatement fees as listed on the reinstatement application. Hours taken to reinstate your license can also be used to renew your license at the end of that renewal period so you are not required to have additional hours for renewal. 

Reinstatement Application

Unlicensed Activities Allowed

A licensed funeral director and embalmer must be present at each organized or scheduled funeral service, including a wake where an organized service is conducted, or a religious service, burial and interment, whenever a dead human body is present.

Unlicensed Persons: Persons who are not licensed as funeral directors and embalmers may assist in implementing arrangements made by a licensed funeral director and embalmer as long as they are under his/her supervision and responsibility. These activities include:

  • Driving or maintenance of funeral vehicles and facilities
  • Administrative duties
  • Applying cosmetics
  • Arranging or shampooing the hair of the deceased
  • Ceremonial assistance, such as bathing, clothing, dressing and casketing the deceased body
  • Religious services

First Calls: Persons, at the request of a licensed funeral director and embalmer, may make first calls or removals of dead human bodies.

Students: A student enrolled in a school accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE) may participate in a student practicum or internship in a licensed funeral establishment in Nebraska. The student may assist with funeral directing and embalming services when the student is in a recognized practicum or internship, under the supervision of the school of mortuary science, and under the direct on-site supervision and responsibility of a Nebraska licensed funeral director and embalmer.

Other Contact Information

Consumer Advocate for Cemeteries
Greg Easley (402) 451-1000
Dept. of Insurance/Pre-need Insurance
The Terminal Building
941 O Street Suite 400
Lincoln NE 68508
Phone: (402) 471-2201

The International Conference of Funeral
Service Examining Boards, Inc.
Phone (479) 442-7076
Fax (479) 442-7090 
Licensee Assistance Program
Center Point Professional Plz
9239 West Center Road
Omaha NE 68124
Phone (402) 354-8055
Toll Free (800) 851-2336

Nebraska Cemetery Association
Mike Hutchinson
Wyuka Cemetery and Funeral Home
3600 O Street
Lincoln NE 68510
Phone (402) 474-3600
Nebraska Funeral Directing Association
521 First Street   PO Box 10
Milford NE 68405
Phone (402) 761-2217
Fax (402) 761-2224

Nebraska Anatomical Board
986395 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha NE 68198
Phone (402) 559-6249
Vital Records (Death Certificates, etc.)
Nebraska State Office Building
301 Centennial Mall South (14th & M Streets, 1st Floor)
Lincoln NE 68508 or
PO Box 95065 Lincoln NE 68509
Phone (402) 471-2871

Office of Behavioral Health & Consumer Services Licensing
Department of Health & Human Services/Division of Public Health/Licensure Unit
Phone Number
(402) 471-2117
Fax Number
(402) 742-1106
Mailing & Physical Addresses

DHHS Licensure Unit
Attn: Funeral
PO Box 94986
Lincoln NE 68509-4986


Nebraska State Office Building

301 Centennial Mall South

14th & M Streets, 3rd Floor

Lincoln NE 68508

Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed federal holidays.