Funeral Directing and Embalming FAQs

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What you need to know


Q: If I am not approved for a license in Nebraska, will my application fee be returned to me?
A: You will receive the application fee minus an administrative fee of $25.


Q: When do I need to report convictions?
A: If you have a misdemeanor or felony conviction or credential discipline, you must report such actions to the Office of Investigations within 30 days of the conviction/action. Failure to disclose any such convictions/credential discipline could result in disciplinary action.

Q: Am I required to report traffic convictions?
A: Yes, if the conviction was a misdemeanor or felony and you were sentenced or paid a ticket through Traffic Court. (Infractions are not required to be reported.) Some examples are: no valid registration, no driver's license on person, and driving under suspension. 


Q: What documents are needed to make a name change?
A: A photocopy of a marriage certificate, divorce decree, annulment papers, adoption papers, or a court order verifying that a name change has occurred.

Q: Do I need to notify your office if I move or change addresses?
A: Any correspondence and renewal notices will be sent to the last known address. It is the responsibility of the licensee to keep the department informed of changes.


Q: I have not received notification of my renewal. How can I renew?
A: Online license renewal is fast and safe. Please visit

Q: When do I need to renew my license?
A: Expiration is 02/01 of even years.

Q: Will I receive a notification in the mail regarding renewal?
A: Yes, you will receive a small post card by mail at least 30 days before the renewal.

Q: How do I put my license on hold?
A: You can request inactive status at any time by sending a written request to the Licensure Unit or you can wait until renewal time and request inactive through the online renewal process.


Q: What do I need to do to get my license reinstated?
A: Complete the reinstatement application, complete at least 16 hours of continuing education within 24 months of submitting the reinstatement application, and pay the renewal/reinstatement fee.

Q: If I reinstate now, do I still need to renew my license when it comes up for renewal?
A: Yes.  Expiration is 02/01 of even years.

Q: Can I reinstate my license online?
A: No, we do not have a system in place to accept online payments for reinstatement. You may mail your application and fee or drop it off at our office.


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