Working for the State offers some excellent benefits. Read below for more about some of the highlighted benefits we offer here at DHHS or visit the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) website to see information on the entire benefits package for state employees.
Tuition Assistance
Employee Tuition Assistance Program: Employees in permanent status (full or part time) may, with prior approval of the agency head, receive reimbursement for up to 100% of tuition costs for the completion of a job or agency-related course of instruction through an accredited university, college, technical school or community college, and up to 75% of tuition costs for degree-related courses. Employees that are temporary, on original probation or serving disciplinary probation are excluded from receiving tuition assistance. Employees are eligible for reimbursement of up to nine (9) hours of courses per year.
Tuition assistance covers the expenses required for tuition costs only. Expenses paid for fees, books and other expenses are not considered a part of tuition unless specifically provided for by union contract.
Requests for tuition assistance must be approved by the agency head, or his/her designee, prior to the class starting date. Disapproval by the agency head is final and is not a grievable issue.
Employees enrolling in a course may do so either by correspondence or attendance at classes during working or non-working hours. Employees granted permission by the agency head to attend classes during working hours shall arrange their work schedule so that they continue to work their normal number of hours per week. The agency head may approve the use of earned compensatory time, vacation or leave without pay to attend classes during working hours.
Employees who have successfully completed the approved course or courses shall be reimbursed for whatever rate is indicated on the form, based on funding availability. The rate approved may be up to 100% of the tuition cost.
Employees who receive tuition assistance may be asked to reimburse the state if they leave their employment within one year of the course completion date.
If you have additional questions regarding this program, send an email to
Student Loan Forgiveness
The cost of college course work and continuing education requirements, can be a considerable financial responsibility for employees.
Visit the federal website to see if you qualify for:
- Public Service Loan Forgiveness
- Lower monthly payments
- Shorter payment terms
- Partial or even full forgiveness
You may be eligible for assistance even if you did not qualify at an earlier time, or are delinquent or in default, or if your taxes or wages are being garnished.
Below are some occupations eligible for student loan Forgiveness programs:
- Government organizations at any level (federal, state, local, or tribal)
- Public Safety and Law Enforcement
- Firefighters
- Public Health
- Military
Deferred Compensation Plan
In 1976, the board implemented the State of Nebraska Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP). DCP, as authorized by IRS Code §457, is a voluntary retirement savings plan which allows state employees the ability to defer and invest a portion of their compensation for retirement. DCP should be considered a long-term retirement savings account designed to supplement the mandatory retirement plan.
- Contributions to DCP are made on a pre-tax basis. There is no employer match.
- Distributions may not be taken from the plan until termination, retirement, or approved financial hardship.
- DCP is available for all State, Judges, and State Patrol employees. County employees may participate in the State plan if their county does not offer a Section 457 plan.
- Any individual employed on a permanent or temporary basis, full-time or part-time, may participate in the plan.
- Participants may increase, decrease; or stop and then resume contributions.
- State and federal income tax will be applied when distributions are taken from the account.
- Participants must make their own investment decisions. Rates of return vary based on investment choices and market performance. Contributions are placed in the default investment option until an investment election has been made. View the investment funds current rates of return, or utilize the Online Account Access (see below).
Effective 2020, election to participate in DCP will be an option for State employees during open enrollment. In addition, year round DCP enrollment and the ability to change contribution amounts will be available via the Employee Work Center (Workday). Individuals who do not have access to the online process may complete a DCP Enrollment Form and submit to their HR/Payroll department to enroll. HR/Payroll will approve, sign, and forward the form to NPERS.
Enrollments (and changes to contribution amounts) will begin as soon as administratively possible, but no earlier than the first of the following month. Elections made during open enrollment will be reflected on the first paycheck in July. Enrollments submitted using the DCP Enrollment Form must be received by NPERS the calendar month prior to the month that participation and contributions are to begin.
State employees participate in the Nebraska State Employees Retirement System (NPERS). All new plan members participate in the mandatory Cash Balance benefit immediately upon employment. Participation is voluntary for permanent, part-time employees age 18 or older and permanent part-time seasonal employees age 18 or older. Membership in the plan begins immediately upon employment. Members Contribute 4.8% of salary pre-tax and the state matches contributions at 156%.