Parent education about newborn screening
Whenever possible, information about newborn screening should be introduced to expecting parents sometime during the third trimester. The Nebraska Newborn Screening Program (NNSP) has free materials available to help you. To order materials visit our Order Literature page.
For additional information to assist parents understand newborn screening and assistance read Primary Care Providers FAQ.
Ordering the newborn screen
According to Nebraska's State Law the physician is responsible for ordering the newborn screen. In many birthing facilities, procedures are established for standing orders to ensure this is done. The ordering physician should be the newborn's attending physician. While the State program is there to ensure an effective system of newborn screening, the baby's primary care professional is the one who makes it happen.
We strongly recommend accessing the Practitioner's Manual and the Quick Reference Guide for the Practitioner's Manual. These documents will help you understand the physician's responsibilities related to the newborn screening.
Obtaining and communicating newborn screening results
For more information on communicating NBS results refer to the Practitioner's Manual. To get secure access to the portal contact Revvity Omics Client Service Representatives at (866) 463-6436 to obtain a “request for Internet Access Form.
Visit our ACT Sheet page for additional information on positive results.