Newborn Screening - Metabolic Foods

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What you need to know

Nebraska's Metabolic Foods Program is authorized under Neb. Rev. Stat. §71-520.  Nebraska residents who have been diagnosed with a metabolic disease listed at 181 NAC 2-003 and require pharmaceutically manufactured metabolic foods for dietary treatment or to prevent significant illness or disability related to the metabolic disease can be reimbursed for the purchase of these foods, up to $2000 per year.   

If you have already been determined eligible for this program but feel that you cannot afford to purchase this food and then wait for reimbursement please call (402) 471-9731 to discuss possible options. 

Pharmaceutically Manufactured Metabolic Foods, when covered as medically necessary foods, are those food products that have been modified to be low in protein for use by individuals who have been diagnosed with IEM (e.g., phenylketonuria (PKU), or maple syrup urine disease), and are not typically readily available in grocery stores. Pharmaceutically Manufactured Metabolic Foods, are primary to the management of IEM, as they help those diagnosed with the condition, avoid organ damage, grow properly, and maintain or improve health status.​