Nebraska Medicaid Resumed Regular Eligibility Review March 1

News Release
For Immediate Release: 3/3/2023
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Barb Tyler, Office of Communications, (531) 530-7484, 


Lincoln – As part of the Consolidated Appropriation Act signed into law in December 2022, March 1 was the start date the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) will resume regular reviews of Medicaid eligibility. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Medicaid members have kept their Medicaid coverage even if they were no longer eligible.

The department has begun conducting full renewals for more than 390,000 Medicaid members. Each Nebraska member's current eligibility will be reviewed up to 90 days before their renewal month. Members with April and May renewal months will be reviewed first. It will take approximately 12 months to review all cases.

Medicaid members must ensure their contact information is up to date with Nebraska Medicaid. If information is needed from a member to confirm current Medicaid eligibility, Nebraska Medicaid needs to be able to reach the member. If Nebraska Medicaid cannot reach the member, the member could unnecessarily lose coverage.

Members can make sure that their contact information is up to date and check their renewal month by logging into their ACCESSNebraska account or calling toll-free (855) 632-7633.

“Our goal is to make sure that Medicaid members who remain eligible keep their Medicaid coverage," said DHHS CEO Dannette R. Smith. “Help from providers and other stakeholders throughout the state will be crucial to make sure members know to reach out to us and update their contact information."

Nebraska Medicaid and its health plans will do everything possible to ensure that members understand what is changing and what is needed from them. The department will take extra steps to contact its members through letters, phone calls, and other outreach methods.

In partnership with provider and advocacy organizations, Nebraska Medicaid has created informational materials and a social media toolkit for providers and community organizations. These materials are available on DHHS's website

“We will continue to work with our health plans, providers, and community partners to ensure that eligible Medicaid members can continue to access the coverage for which they are eligible," said Kevin Bagley, Nebraska Medicaid director.

Based on national projections, the department estimates that approximately 10 to 20% or 40,000 - 80,000 members will be found ineligible over the next 12 months. Members who are found ineligible for Medicaid will have their information forwarded to the federal marketplace, which will follow up with individuals no longer eligible for Medicaid about other coverage options for them. Depending on the member's situation, coverage may be available at no or relatively little cost. ​

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